My Primark spring wishlist

Hi dolls!

After last months horrible weather, its difficult to believe that were in spring! Im desperate to get into midi dresses, skirts, cute swimwear and to be able to wear a lovely sandals for the next months! Instead, a little spring clean will do, and perhaps some new additions to your wardrobe to welcome in the longer, brighter, warmer days! Sounds good to me! I thought Id share my seasonal Primark picks with you in the hopes that it might inspire your spring wardrobe.

Find a Primark store near you quickly!

Dress 16€

Dress 14€

Top 4€, skirt 19€, trainers 16€

Star Wars t-shirts

Harry Potter bags 16€

Picnic stuff from 2€

Bikini top 5€, brief 3€

Shoes from 8€

Festival makeup from 3€

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