I remember when I was little, watching the futuristics movies and being totally delighted - seeing new clothes in silver and gold colours. I never thought I would ever get to see these colours or accessories in real life, this trend seemed something that was looking very far to me!

Well, we are now in that future and I am enjoying seeing this everywhere. Today I decided to wear it subtly to give some ideas to those who are more conservative. If you dont have yet a silver or gold shoes or sandals, run to the nearest store and buy a pair. Also get a bag with the same color. You will be surprised how easily they match with everything! By doing this, you will add a very sophisticated touch to your look.

In most styling books, they say that black jacket is a must have, but I also believe that every woman should also have a white jacket. Specially for those spring - summery days where we want to look formal but casual at the same time.

And why not to get yourself a great pair of futuristic kind of shades?

Location: Bermeo - Spain

I am wearing:

Dress: H&M

Bag: Forever 21

Sandals: Woolworths

Shades: Forever 21

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