Modelos que nos inspiran: Nadirah Ali

Nadirah Aaliyah

Tambíen conocida cómo Nadirah Ali, esta chica de 21 años nacida en California no es una modelo al uso, digamos que es: una modelo en formación a la que no hay que perder de vista. 

Su historia como "modelo" comenzó con sus selfies Instagram que fueron tomadas a la perfección por ella misma hasta que lentamente se abrió paso e hizo que su nombre fuera conocido. 

Acaba de iniciar su propio canal en YouTube para iniciar una nueva campaña bautizada para ella como "lunes monólogo, en el que publica su propio contenido todos los lunes haciendo varias parodias, juegos y travesuras. 

Ya ha hecho algunas sesiones de fotos y cada es mayor su popularidad en las redes sociales, sólo en  Instagram  a día de hoy cuenta con más de 49mil seguidores!

Nos inspira por: ser un forma novedosa y  fresco de subir a la cima, por ser independiente y por ser ella misma la creadora de su imagen, por su trabajo duro y constante.
Estamos seguros de que esta ambiciosa chica llegará a la pantalla grande. Con su belleza, actitud gran personalidad es difícil de creer que esto no suceda.
Esta chica lo tiene todo.
Ella tiene gran gusto en y por la moda, la altura (1,80 m), la belleza y miles de fans.

The beautiful new inspiring model in training is definitely the it person to look at right now. With her wide eyes, flawless skin and perfect body shape she makes the black cultural strong woman proud with her come up. She is the ideal started from the bottem story. 
Using her blessed looks and model aspects to climb to the top. Started with her instagram selfies that were taken to perfection she slowly pushed her way for her name to be known. Coming from California with a beautiful height of 5"11, shapley figure and truly perfect facial gifts it didn"t take long for this beauty to get noticed. 
She has done a few photoshoots and is slowly climbing up the social Ladder with her numerous instagram and Twitter followers. This fresh new model Is a breath of fresh air climbing to the top the right way by being independent and creating an image that she wants for herself and is working hard to put her name out there. Now starting her own YouTube channel to start a new campain for herself called monologue mondays. Where she will post her own content every Monday doing various skits, plays and pranks and trying to rise up to fame. Safe to say she has big plans for herself and the world will most likely be seeing her on the big screen soon doing her thing. With her good looks and great attitude and personality its hard to believe she hasent yet. I am looking forward to seeing her journey and becoming bigger than big.
This girl has got it all. She has the great fashion sense, the height, the beauty and the fan base. If you haven"t already heard of her you should definitely look her up and hit that follow button and join her as she goes on her journey to fame.
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