Color block bathing suit | Zaful | Sorteo

Hi guys, 2 days ago I published another Zaful wishlist and today I want to show you my favourites of two new trends; color block bathing suit and white bikini top. Hope you like it.

Hola Bauler@s, hace dos dias os mostraba otra wishlist de Zaful y en la de hoy quiero enseñaros dos nuevas tendencias; trajes de baño de color y tops de bikini blancos. Espero que os guste.

1- Bikini rayas AQUÍ, 2- Bañador piñas AQUÍ, 3- Bikini tricolor AQUÍ

1- Top crochet rosas AQUÍ, 2- Bikini crochet navy AQUÍ, 3- Top crochet flores AQUÍ

Zaful 3rd Anniversary blog giveaway

My dear followers, there are some news I would love to share with you guys. One of the biggest online fashion store “Zaful” is now celebrating their 3rd anniversary.

Ill checked out the details about this anniversary blog giveaway. TBH, Its quite awesome. The link to their blog is over HERE

Who doesnt love giveaways? Go to their blog and take a look. I would be very happy if you tag my name "El Baúl de Raquel"after participating the giveaway event. Zaful will choose a couple of winners after the event and give out huge rewards!

Many thanks!

Chicas, tengo novedades que me gustaría compartir con vosotras y es que en Zaful están celebrando su ¡tercer aniversario!

Podéis ver los detalles del sorteo en su blog clicando AQUÍ

¿A quién no le gustan los sorteos? Os animo a visitar su blog y echar un vistazo. Os agradecería que me nombrarais como "El Baúl de Raquel"cuando participéis en el sorteo. Zaful eligirá un par de ganadores después del evento y dará grandes recompensas.

¡Muchas gracias!

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¡¡¡ Buenos días Bauler@s !!! ¿Qué tal va la primavera? Por aquí tuvimos unos días de mucho calor pero, ya sabéis, hasta el 40 de mayo no te quites el sayo, así que esta semana ha vuelto el frío y de n ...

¡¡¡ Buenos días Bauler@s !!! Pasar del odio al amor es posible y es lo que me ha pasado con los pantalones de campana o de "pata de elefante". Durante mi adolescencia los usé y los amé como ...





I like strapless bikini and Im going to show you some from Zaful that I like: 1. My favourite, love this colors. 2. With pineapples, so original. 3. In blue, perfect for wáter. My dear followers, there are some news I would love to share with you guys. One of the biggest online fashion store “Zaful” is now celebrating their 3rd anniversary. Ill checked out the details about this anniversary b ...


Hello girls!! Como sabéis me encanta la página de Zaful, y me contactaron para ofreceros un SORTEO!!! Y es que no habrá un ganador solo, habrán 10 ganadores, y el premio será una tarjeta de regalo de 100$ para cada ganador. ¿No os parece guay? As you know I love the page of Zaful, and i was contacted me to offer you a GIVEAWAY!!! And there will not be a single winner, there will be 10 winners, a ...

zblog Projects slider

Hello bloggers! One more day I bring you a wishlist of the Zaful website with different products that I have signed up to add to the cart so you will see more for the blog. I hope you like it. A huge kiss, Lydia. ¡Hola bloggers! Un día más os traigo una wishlist de la web Zaful con distintos productos que me he apuntado para añadir al carrito así que ya los veréis más por el blog. Espero que os ...

Summer is around the corner so we have to think about what kind of swimsuit we want to wear this year. I really love two trends: High waisted swim shorts and Tiny bathing suits. Im going to show you my favourite models from Zaful online store. Hope you like it El verano está a la vuelta de la esquina y es tiempo de playa y piscina por lo que tenemos que ir pensando en que tipo de traje de baño qu ...

As you all know I love Zaful, at this moment is one of my favourite online fashion stores. I especially love their dresses and now Im thinking of buying a long wrap dress so in this post I wanted to show you my new wishlist Como ya os he comentado mas veces, ¡¡me encanta Zaful!!, de hecho es una de mis tiendas online favoritas. Especialmente me encantan sus vestidos, ¡tienen unos diseños geniales ...

Tendencias Wishlist

Hello hello my preciousness! How was your Friday? I guess its great, because its already here on the weekend and it also remains very very little for the year to end !! I am already writing my letter to the wise men and I bring you a wishlist of ZAFUL so that you also ask for this Christmas! I hope you like it!! Be happy!!! Categorías Jackets Coats Sweaters Dresses Jackets Leather Jacket Compra ...

zblog Projects slider

Hello bloggers! I continue to show you my wishlists to give you ideas and renew our closet for the autumn. For the last days of summer I am choosing dresses of half sleeve or long sleeve for the days with heat and the nights that refresh a little. The ones I teach today are from the Zaful website and you can buy them by clicking on the links. I hope you like it. A huge kiss, Lydia. ¡Hola blogger ...

zblog Projects slider

Hello bloggers! Today I bring a great surprise. I have joined with Zaful to offer you a piece of lottery;) What do you have to do? It is very easy, just comment here below leaving the link of your favorite product of the web Zaful, your name and your email. What can you win? There will be a $ 100 coupon for the Zaful web to each winner and there are 10 potential winners in total so do not expect m ...

zblog Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! Today I show you some photos that you could say are my favorite this summer. We did it when it was already dusk and the water was great to take a shower plus the place could not inspire more peace and quiet. Was wearing a t-shirt with a print of the Zaful website that you can buy by clicking here and a green bikini. What do you think? I hope you like it. A huge kiss, Lydia. ¡Hola ...

I have already told you many times that my favorite garment are dresses and today I want to show you two new trends: button up dress and dress with slit. You can find the dresses that I show you in the following pictures in the store Zaful Ya os he comentado en varias ocasiones que mi prenda favorita son los vestidos y hoy quiero enseñaros dos nuevas tendencias, los vestidos con botones hasta arr ...