Flash man outfit

¡Buenas tardes!

En el post de hoy yo no soy la protagonista porque este fin de semana ha hecho un tiempo horroroso... Ha llovido y ha hecho mucho vientos y no he podido hacer fotos. Pero no os podía dejar sin post.
 Toni nos enseña un look muy casual para llevar cada día. La camiseta que lleva es de Maos la tienda que os presenté hace muy poquito, os dejo (aquí) su página de facebook. 
(Gracias por sustituirme!)

¡Espero que os guste!Good afternoon

Today i"m not the protagonist because this weekend"s weather was bad, windy and rainy... And I can"t take photos. But I can"t leave us without a post.
Toni wears a casual look for every day. The t-shirt is from Maos that I did a post some weeks ago, I leave you the facebook page (here).
(Thanks for substitute me!)
I hope you will like!

Bufanda/Scarf- H&M

Chaqueta/Jacket- Pull&Bear

Camiseta/T-shirt- Maos (here)

Jeans- Zara

Deportivas/Sneakers- Adidas 

¡Haz click aquí y dirás directo a mi post sobre este look!

Click here to go to the total post!

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¡Buenos noches! He tardado en publicar porque estoy preparando nuevos contenidos, quería realizarlos con calma y me he tomado unos días para mejorarlos. ¡Pronto os lo enseñaré! Hoy os enseño dos looks ...

S O R P R E S A Hoy os presento los primeros fondos de pantalla que ha realizado Toni Jimenez (@tjidel10) para Your Negativity. Cada mes nos mostrará sus creaciones, este mes han tocado fondos de pan ...

¡Buenas noches! ¡Yo no quiero que acabe el verano! Yo necesito tres meses más por lo menos, ojalá. Espero que esta semana empiece mejor que la anterior y con muchas ganas. En el look de hoy os enseño ...

Etiquetas: modalookbook



moda lookbook

¡Buenas tardes! Hoy os enseño otra propuesta masculina. En esta ocasión Toni lleva un look sport con sus colores favoritos el azul y el verde. Lleva una camisa azul con estampado, es de Sfera y la podéis encontrar en tienda. Espero que os guste el post y ¡Feliz miércoles! Good afternoon! Today I show you a male outfit. Toni wears a sport outfit with his favourite colours green and blue. He wea ...

moda lookbook

¡No soy la de la foto! Hoy os enseño a mi Fotógrafo, la mayoría de sesiones las hace él. Os lo presento, es mi hermano Javi. Lo he convencido para que en el blog nos enseñe algún outfit, en este caso es Street Style y con aires juveniles. ¡Espero que os guste! I"m not that of the photo! Today I show show you my Photographer, the majority of shottings does them he, he is my brother Javi. I hav ...

moda lookbook

Buenos tardes Ayer empezó Marzo y eso quiero decir que pronto será primavera. ¡Que ilusión! En el post de hoy os enseño como tener dos look diferentes cambiando los accesorios. En los dos looks llevo la misma camisa y jeans. En el primero os enseño un look básico en tonos marrones y con mi nuevo collar de MDF(aquí) que me gusta mucho.Cuando lo veáis me entenderéis. Llevo la combinación de chaqueta ...

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Another of my striped dresses I brought to this trip, yeah three, might seem too much for some, but for me it’s reasonable. I’m thinking of keeping it together this spring and summer, and buy other patterns…just to prove myself i’m not obsessed. Although i’m not a pattern person, once in a while, something I like could come up, and I better take it, because it does no ...

moda holidays outfits ...

What I wore for Christmas Eve’s dinner. I am in summer right now, so of course I wore something lighter but a little bit more formal without being too fancy or over the top because that is just not my style. I opted for my white midi skirt from MaxMara because it is a classic, versatile piece but also super lightweight and comfortable. I could have gone fancier on the top but that is just no ...

moda chile holidays ...

So today I am wearing my new (relatively new, I got it early December just before my trip) leather skirt. I had waited YEARS, for this perfect leather skirt to exist. Before, a long time ago in my early blog days, I had a very similar one from Topshop that I wore to death, but after some years of use, it started to wear off pretty badly, even small wholes appeared. Of course leather does not mean ...

moda holidays outfits ...

An all black summer outfit perfect for holidays as it is so comfortable and easy to wear. As you can see I am loving my Adidas slides so so much, they are the best footwear for those hot days when you will be walking a lot, plus combining them can’t be easier, so I am sure to be wearing these a lot next spring and summer. I can’t believe I am already thinking of spring, winter has bare ...

moda fall outfits ...

The first days of fall are never really cold, so the weather has been perfect to wear absolutely anything. I love this type of weather because it allows all the combinations possible: sandals with trench, sneakers with mini skirts, sleeveless shirt with boots, anything you want will look good. I love all those crazy garment combinations that make no sense, it bores me to death wearing always the s ...

moda holidays outfits ...

Today pictures come from an Iphone 5S so sorry about the lower quality, but they were taken the day when I was transitioning from camera x to camera y and so therefore my only available option for pictures was my phone. Another version of my summer uniform, striped t-shirt and denim boy shorts. A longer pair of shorts that happen to be altered by me, from an old pair of jeans my mom no longer wear ...