Hoy os traigo un post muy especial con el que llevo trabajando unos días y que da el cierre temporal a Bajoelsombrerodesusan hasta septiembre.

Falta muy poco para que llegue la feria en honor a la Virgen del Mar y Almería se llene de color y encanto en un entorno festivo y dinámico en el que los almerienses y visitantes disfrutan de un ambiente único.

Es por ello que ALMERÍA EMOCIOM quiso contar con las propuestas de las 4 bloggers Almerienses más influyentes para enseñar nuestras propuestas para estos días tan especiales.

He tenido la gran suerte de ser una de las elegidas y me sentí muy feliz y orgullosa de que contaran conmigo para este proyecto y desde aquí de nuevo les doy las gracias.

Reconozco que no hay nada como un bonito vestido de flamenca y brillar en nuestra preciosa feria, pero hay otros momentos en los que nos apetece ir diferentes y crear un look en el que te sientas cómoda pero sin dejar la esencia y el aire festivo que requiere la ocasión.

He creado este outfits inspirado en las tendencias actuales utilizando un pantalón capri y añadiendo un top de volantes evocando al espíritu folclórico. Los complementos completan y armonizan un look elegante para lucir durante el día o la noche.

El marco incomparable de nuestra preciosa Alcazaba hizo que la sesión estuviera envuelta en un entorno especial y este fue el resultado.

Espero que os guste, ahora toca descansar para regresar con nuevos proyectos e ilusiones en los que he puesto mucho cariño.

No me canso de daros la gracias por estar ahí día tras día con vuestras visitas y comentarios,  un bsazo y hasta pronto.
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Quien tiene magia
no necesita trucos...              

                                    By Susan

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Y estas son sus últimas ideas publicadas:

Son muchos los encuentros y eventos que se presentan en las próximas fechas así que me he dispuesto a reciclar un poco y tirar del armario para no acumular tantas prendas de fiesta. Hoy mi propuesta e ...

Se aproximan fechas clave en las que los eventos se multiplican y ya es momento de pensar en looks para la ocasión. Este año se repiten tejidos como el terciopelo, los imprescindibles paillettes y por ...

Esta temporada, los diseñadores están reinterpretando el clásico jersey de punto de toda la vida con divertidos detalles que incluyen botones de gran tamaño, mezcla de tul, cuellos de tortuga y tamaño ...

La nueva temporada llega repleta de tendencias print que podemos rescatar de nuestros armarios, flores, rayas o el mítico estampado print animal que vino para quedarse.El animal print sigue estando pr ...



moda holidays outfits ...

What I wore on NYE. This is how we do the last celebration of the year where its hot and sunny. Little black dress, some heels and voila! No coats, no tights, and yes…sunglasses. Now let me tell you about this gorgeous dress. It’s two years old and the case is I have worn it a lot, unfortunately I have not a single picture of me wearing it, so in this occasion I had to have my picture ...

moda holidays outfits ...

Today pictures come from an Iphone 5S so sorry about the lower quality, but they were taken the day when I was transitioning from camera x to camera y and so therefore my only available option for pictures was my phone. Another version of my summer uniform, striped t-shirt and denim boy shorts. A longer pair of shorts that happen to be altered by me, from an old pair of jeans my mom no longer wear ...

moda holidays outfits ...

An all black summer outfit perfect for holidays as it is so comfortable and easy to wear. As you can see I am loving my Adidas slides so so much, they are the best footwear for those hot days when you will be walking a lot, plus combining them can’t be easier, so I am sure to be wearing these a lot next spring and summer. I can’t believe I am already thinking of spring, winter has bare ...

moda holidays outfits ...

Outfit pictures taken inside a very characteristic building from Santiago, Correos. I am not fond of inside pictures, but thought this was a nice way of showing you a nice inside that is beyond classic, it’s antique and keeps that aesthetic, even in the postal boxes, they are beyond cute. Had to make them quick, so again not so much details in these. I did wear a very casual summer outfit wi ...

moda holidays outfits ...

Another Viña del Mar beach outfit. I went for my “beach” short, that I always bring with me to any beach trip, and of course my “beach” bag (and almost everyone else) the famous Le Pliage by Longchamp. As i was telling a few posts back, Viña del Mar is very well known, for its cloudy summers, and not extremely hot, so going for a light sweater was a great idea, and I wore o ...

moda chile holidays ...

Another of my striped dresses I brought to this trip, yeah three, might seem too much for some, but for me it’s reasonable. I’m thinking of keeping it together this spring and summer, and buy other patterns…just to prove myself i’m not obsessed. Although i’m not a pattern person, once in a while, something I like could come up, and I better take it, because it does no ...

moda holidays outfits ...

A black day. Yes, all black summer outfits rock! They are by far the best option, (specially for pale skin people) I bet some of you didn’t know why. This I saw on the news yesterday, here in Santiago, but I was also taught this in my textiles class at uni. We all know how in summer sun is a real threat for our skin. Too much sun exposure can cause premature aging to start with an a whole se ...

moda chile holidays ...

Another beach outfit! I went to spend last weekend again to Viña. This is one of those outfits I ended up wearing by mistake. I was wearing the same from the waist up with denim shorts, but for a two hour drive shorts seemed rather uncomfortable so I decided to change, and first thing I saw was this skirt. After I put it on, I loved the outfit so much I decided to stay in it, and well…that&# ...

moda chile holidays ...

Some of my favorite denim garments ever made come from Stella McCartney’s Spring/Summer 2011 collection. I am lucky enough to own two garments from this collection, one of which is the skirt I am wearing here. Now this wonderful piece has been recreated many times, I first saw one last year by Topshop, and this year we have a very similar one by Alexa Chung for AG Denim collection. To be hon ...