Entre patos

Hello bloggers! Hows everything? I hope you go great. I can not be happier, have approved selectivity with a very good note, i am just see if I am admitted to the university that I want (hope so).

The look that I show you today is very simple but is a real look, those who wear summer days with more heat: short, top and sandals. I am completely obsessed with tops and dresses off-shoulder neckline, I do not know how I have in my closet. What you think of you not like?

Furthermore, as you can see in the photos, I was in good company;)

I hope you like it.

A huge kiss,


¡Hola bloggers! ¿Qué tal todo? Espero que os vaya genial. Yo no puedo estar más feliz, he aprobado selectividad con una muy buena nota, ya solo queda ver si soy admitida en la universidad que quiero(espero que sí).

El look que hoy os muestro es muy sencillito pero es un look real, de esos que llevas los días de verano con más calor: short, top y sandalias. Estoy completamente obsesionada con los tops y vestidos de escote off-shoulder, no sé cuantos tengo en mi armario. ¿A vosotras no os ocurre igual?

Además como podéis ver en las fotos, estuve muy bien acompañada ;)

Espero que os guste.

Un beso enorme,


Fuente: este post proviene de The diary of my closet, donde puedes consultar el contenido original.
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¡Hola bloggers! Ya sé que llevo algún tiempo sin publicar en el blog pero lo cierto es que la universidad me está quitando todas las horas del día. Hoy os enseño este look que fotografiamos hace varia ...

¡Hola bloggers! El otro día recibí un paquete con ropa de la web Desires. El primer look que decidí fotografiar ha sido éste, con pantalón y camiseta deportiva a juego. No son los looks que suelo util ...

Hello bloggers! I continue to share photos of our trip to Córdoba with you. As you can see in this post there are two different locations, one is a famous street known as "Calleja de las flores&q ...

¡Hola bloggers! Hoy os comparto las últimas fotos de nuestro viaje y viéndolas ya me entran ganas de volver de nuevo porque realmente Córdoba me robó el corazón. El último día visitamos la Mezquita y ...

Etiquetas: Lookssliderzblog



zblog Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! If there is a garment that I do not take off in the summer, thats the tops. I think they look great in any look so every year I add to my wardrobe some more in different colors and with different patterns. This in particular is from Zaful and you can buy it by clicking here. And for you, what is your essential garment in summer? I hope you like it. A huge kiss, Lydia. ¡Hola blogg ...

Looks Projects zblog

Hello bloggers! How do you carry around the routine? I hope you well and does not cost much but to me the first ... I want to go back to the beach haha. The look I show you today is a bit more settled with the monkey that I show Zara but clearly the most important of this look are my new heels red web Amiclub Wear that drive me crazy and my new clutch Sammy Dress . Is not this nice? I hope you lik ...

Looks slider zblog

Hello bloggers! What about your week? I am very eager and happy at the same time it is only just over a week to go on vacation ... what a dream! The look today what ye could see a week ago in my Instagram (@lydiacorzo). You know Im obsessed with the tops with this type of cleavage. If we sumo these prints shorts super comfortable results in a mine, comfortable but nice look. By following the color ...

Howtowear slider zblog

Hello bloggers! Friday and I am very happy. Taking advantage of the arrival of autumn bring you the tendecias that we can find in stores this fall and winter (not is not much for him). So I did not take you more and show you all the pictures. I hope you like it.A huge kiss, Lydia. ¡Hola bloggers! Ya viernes y yo soy muy feliz. Aprovechando la llegada del otoño os traigo las tendecias que podemo ...

Looks slider zblog

Hello bloggers! For me, since Friday it is officially summer and then Im done selecitividad. I am very happy but nervous about the results, Ill tell you. These photos we did a few weeks ago for one of those streets that you know that I love them. I chose this new red skirt gave me some friends and I wanted to get a casual look so combined it with this very Mexican and converses shirt. Do you like ...

zblog Projects slider

Hello bloggers! You know that aside from the posts with normal looks I also like to share with you my new discoveries in online stores. Today I speak of Stylewe, is similar to other stores of which I already spoke to you. These webs I like very much because they have very very very affordable prices and if you know how to look good you can find great quality clothes and do not take any disappointm ...

zblog Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! Happy New Year that I have not yet congratulated you here. I hope this new year comes loaded with happiness for all of you. Today I show you a simple look with sneakers and it is that I have realized that I have not taught you casual looks like this one made up of jeans, a thick coat, sweater and sneakers and, although they are the least taught lately, Are the most used in my day t ...

Hello bloggers! Some time ago I did not make a list with the products that I liked most of a website so as it is already time here you have it. Today I speak of two websites in particular, one of them is Stylewe, which I have already mentioned many more times here because you know that I like a lot and the second web is one that I just discovered and is called Just Fashion Now. It is similar to St ...

zblog Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! How did the Kings behave this year? With me the truth that too well and I do not know if I behaved so well to have so many gifts hahaha. As you know I continue studying and studying but I try to make a way to update the blog. This look is two weeks ago if I remember correctly and it is very simple because as you see I opted for sneakers and white jeans but I gave a more formal touc ...

Looks Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! I leave you with a quick post because it has made me quite late and I am writing still night. Today I show the look I chose Friday composed of a skateboarder type gray skirt, shoes Stan Smith, white purse and my new sweatshirt web Moodcatz with which already collaborated last year and was delighted with the quality of their garments. I hope you like it. A huge kiss, Lydia. ¡Hola ...