Roberto Cavalli pone su mas que reconocible estilo opulencia y animal print para la ultima edición Disaronno Wears, con esta ya es la tercera edición de esta apuesta que sigue colaborando con la organización benéfica Fashion 4 Development, que donara parte de los beneficios a proyectos humanitarios en África. En las ediciones anteriores los diseñadores seleccionados en esta iniciativa fueron Moschino y Versace.
La botella de 70cc esta ya disponible en tiendas seleccionadas al precio de 13,90€.
It has just introduced the new limited edition of Disaronno for Christmas this year the liquor better known in Italy and its iconic bottle is dressed in the designs of some of the most famous designers in Italy and in the world as is Roberto Cavalli.
Roberto Cavalli put his most recognizable style that opulence and animal print for the latest edition Disaronno Wears, this already is the third edition of this commitment that continues to work with the charity Fashion 4 Development, to donate part of the profits to humanitarian projects in Africa. In previous editions of this initiative designers selected were Moschino and Versace.
70cc bottle is already available in selected stores and the price is € 13.90.
Este año estamos de suerte ya que también tenemos la opción de adquirir la versión en miniatura que cuenta con seis diseños diferentes.
This year we are lucky because we also have the option to purchase the miniature version with six different designs.
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