Were back, I have been absent from the blog and the blogosphere during the summer have been a few days of rest, although it has not yet enjoyed vacation, I hope to do it very soon, I wanted to give me a few days to take advantage of the good weather, sun, terraces, outside dinners, afterworks, etc. Activities in fine weather are more conducive and appealing.
Ahora toca ponerse al día, como si de un nuevo curso escolar se tratase, vamos a llenar la mochila con grandes dosis de ilusión, días para compartir de nuevo con todos vosotros una visión personal de la moda y otras muchas curiosidades. Aunque es un blog masculino también hay espacio para ellas, espero poder seguir entreteniéndoos con nuevas publicaciones.
Now its catching up, like a new school year it were, we will fill our backpack with large doses of illusion and days to share again with you a personal vision of fashion and many other curiosities. Although this is a male blog there is also room for her, I hope to continue entertaining yourself with new publications.
Muchas gracias por pasar y comentar
Thanks so much for your comment and visit