Hola chic@s!!! Hoy estoy súper contenta y es que vengo hablaros de una nueva tienda que he descubierto hace poquito, I TOO FASHION, nacida en el 2011 y con una línea de ropa con estilos boho, toques tropicales y precios súper económicos!!

Hi guys!!! Today I am very happy and I come to speak of a new store that I discovered just recently, I TOO FASHION, born in 2011 and a clothing line with boho styles, tropical touches and affordable prices !!

Ya sabéis que yo soy una enamorada del estilo boho y también sabéis que desde hace un año se ha puesto de moda, así que estoy más encantada aún. Por eso, me encanta mi blusa blanca que os enseño hoy, de hombros descubiertos y detalles de encaje y crochet. Tiene ese toque bohemio y tropical que tanto me gusta y a la vez es súper sexy! Además, queda genial tanto con unos shorts como con un pantalón de vestir... Os recomiendo que entréis en su web y visitéis su perfil de Instagram @itoofashion porque os va a encantar!!
Espero que os guste el look de hoy! Sed felices y nos vemos en el próximo post!!

You know that Im in love boho style and also know that a year ago has become fashionable, so I am even more delighted. So, I love my white blouse I teach today, bare shoulders and details of lace and crochet. Has that bohemian and tropical touch that I like and at the same time is very sexy! In addition, both looks great with shorts and a dress pants ... I recommend you come into your website and visit their Instagram profile @itoofashion because youll love it !!
I hope you like the look today! Be happy and see you in the next post !!

BLUSA BOHO / BOHO SHIRT - Comprar aquí

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Hola holaaaa mores!! Juernes noche!!! Qué más se puede pedir??? Pues que sea ya viernes no?? Jajaja! Espero que hayáis tenido un día genial! Hoy os traigo un look, propuesta para las comidas y cenas d ...

Hola holaaaa mores!! Qué tal vuestro día?? Espero que genial!! Ya estamos a mitad de semana!! Cómo vuelan los días! Ya estamos casi casi en Navidad y yo aún no he puesto ni el árbol en casa! Hoy os en ...

Hola holaaaa mores!! Qué tal el martes?? Yo resfriada, con un dolor de garganta impresionante y medio boba por culpa del Frenadol, pero bueno… Quejarse no vale de nada, así que aquí estoy debajo ...

Hola holaaaaa mores!! Comenzamos nueva semana!! Una semana repleta de descuentos porque se acerca el Black Friday!! ¿Os habéis pillado ya algo? Porque yo hoy os traigo un súper descuentazo de FRIKING ...

Etiquetas: Lookbook




Hola preciosuras!! Por fin es viernes!!! Siiii!!! El mejor día de la semana, con todo su fin de semana por delante! El mío está vez va a ser un finde de relax, que ya tocaba. Pero hoy os dejo con otro look de una de mis nuevas tiendas, I TOO FASHION. Hello beautiful !! Finally its Friday!!! Yesss !!! The best day of the week, with all their weekend ahead! Mine is ever going to be a relaxing weeken ...

Looks slider zblog

Hello bloggers! Were in Ecuador of the week and you can imagine not that I have the desire arrives next Tuesday and to finally have the Christmas holidays but while I wait I study for two exams. The look of today personally love (all I like, so I take them but this further) and it does not seem a look too neat but perfect for those days when you were just going for coffee with friends and just to ...

Hello bloggers! Today I share a look with which I feel "very" and that could lead this look every day without getting bored because I felt very comfortable and casual. As I said before, very much. As you can see the look is made up of my new cardigan in gray. Seeing it on the hanger Store did not convince me too but was try it and I thought, yes, Ill take it now. white pants, white shirt ...

flowers guadeloupe Looks

Good Morning! How far the weekend goes, doesnt it? But to make Monday less hard bring you a boho summer look to make you feel the next holidays a little bit closer. As key pieces on this look the flower crown , done and design by me, that it has become a must on my caribbean looks, and a necklaces of gemstones, a gift from my parents last christmas, that I love! Courage everyone with the biginnin ...

Looks slider zblog

Hello bloggers! This week I am more active than ever in the blog, right? Since there are few entries to show you more with long hair because, on Tuesday, I cut myself. Although not being honest me I cut too much sometimes but it was really my hair and crying. The photos I show today did on Saturday and ye could already see this look on my Instagram (@lydiacorzo). This look out without thinking, re ...

Hi again! Today I am going to talk about an online clothing shop: Lover Beauty (Link). They contacted me to review its products and services. Lover Beauty is a shop especialed in activewear and sport clothing. You could purchase mainly shapewear, butt lifters, waist trainers and sport wear. Also Lover Beauty have a special section for plus size items. About shipping its very fast it took 3-7 days ...

Looks slider zblog

Hello bloggers! Today I bring a very short post because I have time just to stay here writing a little bit for you. And yes, but Im surrounded by notes of a subject, another, and another, and another ... The look that I teach today may not be easier, I know, but its too comfortable (if you have a few boyfriends you know what I mean). I combined it with my inseparable Adidas Superstar, black sweate ...


Hola hola amores!! Los días se me pasan volando y ya estamos a mitad de semana! Y por aquí, los termómetros se niegan a descender! Pero hoy os traigo un outfit perfecto y os vuelvo a hablar de nuevo de SAMMYDRESS. Hello hello love !! The days fly past me and were midweek! And here, thermometers refuse to descend! But today I bring a perfect outfit and I return to speak again of SAMMYDRESS. Puedo ...

Looks Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! At last we are already in Ecuador week. I finally have a slightly more relaxed day and can write this post quietly and listening to music with my headphones, specifically All of Me John Legend. I love and listen to music relaxes me a lot as I write like while I take a bath, you too? As I have repeated a thousand times (Im a bit heavy) Im in the final stretch of the course, eager to ...

zblog Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! How did the Kings behave this year? With me the truth that too well and I do not know if I behaved so well to have so many gifts hahaha. As you know I continue studying and studying but I try to make a way to update the blog. This look is two weeks ago if I remember correctly and it is very simple because as you see I opted for sneakers and white jeans but I gave a more formal touc ...