Vitality VoxBox #VitaVoxBox

I receive for second time my Vitaly VoxBox fron Influesnter . I received free this products complementary fors testing purposes from Influesnter

Por segunda vez recibi mi Voxbox de Influenster lo cual me llena de emocion esto productos los recibi completamente gratis con los propositos de recomendarlos en mis redes sociales si quieres formar parte de Influesnter entra a la pagina de

I domt take this product yet but is very ideal when you have a burns and the formula is homeopathic.

No he probado este product pero es ideal cuando tienes quemadura y homeopatico. Is nice formula patented healing formula helps repair skin damage. Is very good reduce the appearance of sear. The bad I dont found nothing bad. Vital Is homeopathic formula very natural.

Results speak for themselves. My skins tone is better, even colour and looks more youthful after one weeks use of this serum. Leaves your skin feeling normal, not grease. Love it. Los resultados hablan por sí mismos. El tono de mi piel es mejor, incluso el color y se ve más joven después de su uso con una semana de este suero. Deja la piel normal, no grasa. Quiéralo. The Good the first signs of aging is good because help the before that wrinkles coming.Bad maybe is for people in the 40s. Vital: Give young revitalize reduce the appearance for early signs of wrinkles.

I dont used this product but I read same reviews that is good. No utilice ese productos pero he leido algunos Buenos comentarios acerca de Playtex. The good thing its designed to naturalize odor for ultimate freshness on and off the field you can to do sport with that comfort and trust the you stay securite. Bad I dont like tampons. Vital: Fresh maybe because freshness.

Is natural and delicious I love this te is my favorite and 100% recommendable. Esta delicioso me encanta esta bebida. Good is delicious and no calories. Bad: I dont found in the stores yet. Vital: Natural perfectly blance and flavor.

I try softlips cube because the las voxbox I recivy the same product but diferent flavor I like I used in the night whe I clean my face is ok I not a big fan to the lip balm but he help me a my lips a lot.

Lo probe en la caja anterior de Influenster y aunque no soy fan de los balsamos he visto que si me lo aplico en la noche no tengo no tengo resecos los labios. Good smell good, lips look soften more hydrated. Bad I dont used a lot balm. Vital: Apparience, natura give lite at the lips look hydrated.

I dont try yet but I read a good coments about this. No las he probado aun pero he escuchado Buenos comentarios acerca de este product.The good activate metabolism and help to lose weigth, the bad maybe the caffeine.Vital Lose weigth vitamin b12 natural ingredients.

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Recibi de Influenster en la campana Vitaly VoxBox o #vitavoxbox, en lo personal yo no soy de usar tampons me aprecen incomods pero si los probe ya que la compania es por eso que me los envia no puedo decir ningun review bueno o malo puesto que en realidad nunca me han gustado los tampons no se me hacen seguros hacia mi salud, me gusto porque traian especial de desodorante me los probe pero me sent ...

#FiestaVoxbox Fiesta Voxbox I receiveid from Influesnter totally free for taste purpose is amazing Voxbox i want a party and welcome to amazing i like a lot thans influenster I received from Influesnter in #fiestavoxbox is amazing i like a lot also make a nice work with my skin is so hurt sometime found the perfect match because in fall or winter my skin chance a lot thanks for this great prese ...

Influenster es una comunidad de tendencias intelectuales medios de comunicacion social donde los consumidores son educados para dar opinion sobre los productos y lo que han experimentado al usarlo y/o probarlos se trata de aprender tambien de los nuevos producstos que estan o estan p[or iniciar en el Mercado. Uno de los requisites principals es vivir en Estados Unidos o Canada para poder ingresar ...

I received totally free courtesy by Influenster with taste purpose I try before this products when I want my spa day I love this combination the smell like honey I used sometime raw honey for my hair and skin I son nice product I love before but is my first time that I try this flavor by honey my skin feel so great after for my recommendable a lot because is a nice the price is son nice to some ...

Hola amigas y amigos el dia de hoy la verdad no puedo dar una opinion concise acerca de este producto @PlaytexSportandGentleGlide #PlayOn ya que yo nunca he sido fan de los tampons peor investigando en otras opinions he escuchado muy Buenos comentarios que hasta da un super proteccion en esos dias cuando vamos a realizer algun deporte, de mi caja de @Influenster que recibi de manera gratis es el u ...

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Extraordinary Oil with luscious , lightweight oils. Nourishing Shampoo & Conditioner Lightweight formulas forma silkier, softee, moré lustrous hair. Lustrous Oil Serum. Ultra-ligh, fast-absorbing según forma silky shine. Try our first shampoo system with: *Argan. *Chamomile. *Coconut. *Amla. *Soja. *Sunflower. this is the first VoxBox that comes Influenster me, i am very happy and grateful to yo ...

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I received from Influenster with the finality to taste this product is very good flavor the gummies there give me a a lot energy im feel good, im recommended this product have like vitamin b12, all the time in my life I take care my weigth now I hope found sometime to help me to lose weigth is for a lot year figth with my over weigth with diets, pilds, that feel more in healthy because sometime us ...

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