En breve tendremos que desterrar las sandalias al fondo del armario, así que aprovechemos las semanas soleadas que nos quedan para usarlas al máximo. Y es que si el fin de semana pasado os contaba que habían bajado las temperaturas, ahora parece que estemos otra vez en Verano, el tiempo está loco.
Espero que os guste el post de hoy amores.
Un besazo
Without doubt, today is one of my favorite looks of this year. The mix of fabrics along with the tribal print in 3D of the bag, make it elegant and chic.
Soon we will banished our sandals at the bottom of the closet, so take advantage of the sunny weeks left to us to use them to the fullest. So if the past weekend I told you that temperatures had dropped, it now appears that we are again in summer, the weather is crazy.
Hope you like today"s post loves.
Big kiss
Pics by me
Bolso/bag: Paco Martinez (new) - 19 ??? aprox.
Camiseta/shirt: Bershka (new) - 15 euros aprox.
Sandalias/sandals: Marypaz (sp/s 13) - 7 euros aprox
Pantalones/pants: Mango (sp/s 14)- 30 euros aprox