What: Spree Edit 16 launch event

Where: Kathys Palace, Johannesburg

When: Thursday, last week.

With a tropical decoration full of palm trees and green leaves that made the guests feel in a very tropical environment, Spree launched its Collection Edit16. I went with my dutch friend Marlon who also is passionate about fashion. We first arrived and enjoyed some cocktails while walking around in this scenery which also had a very vintage vibe and socialized with other guests who were also very curious to see what would happened during the night.

Talking with Mahletse, one of my favorite male bloggers in South Africa. Love his look!

Waiting for the show to start.

Models arrived dancing and showing the happiness of Africa to the guests!

An explosions of colors, indigenous fabrics, different prints and lovely silhouettes and textures were the protagonists of the night.

Here my favorite looks:

After the show, we ended up talking with South African fashion designer David Tlale. It was a pleasure meeting such a cool and down to earth person who is one of the most talented african designers in the international scene. I really admire him a lot.

If you want to see more about this event, type the hashtag #TheSpreeEdit16 on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

I was wearing:

Dress: Foschini

Heels: Bronx Woman

Clutch: Camille La Vie

Marlon was wearing:

Dress: Tommy Hilfiger

Heels: Tommy Hilfiger

Clutch: Tommy Hilfiger

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