Como muchas ya sabréis, desde este verano colaboro con la tienda online STYLEWE y me han pedido que os hable desde mi experiencia acerca de ellos. Y básicamente es lo que digo en todos los posts, STYLEWE se caracteriza por estilo y calidad.

Cuidan muchísimo el diseño de la prenda, su estampado y su patronaje. Yo recibí un mono precioso y maldición que me venía pequeño y ahí está, muerto de la risa y muerta yo de la frustración por no poder ponérmelo.

Además, ahora también cuentan con más productos que en sus inicios no podíamos encontrar en su tienda online: bañadores y bikinis, bolsos, zapatos y complementos. Y puedo deciros que los zapatos, al menos para mi, son una pasada. Para los bikinis aún queda tiempo hahaha.

Podéis encontrar mucha más información acerca de ellos tanto en la tienda online como en su blog.

As many people know, since this summer they collaborate with the STYLEWE online store and I have been asked to speak from my experience about them. And basically it is what I say in all positions, STYLEWE are characterized by style and quality.

They take great care of the design of the garment, its print and its patronage. I received a beautiful monkey and curse that came small and is here, died of laughter and the death of frustration for not being able to wear it.

In addition, they also have more products that in their beginnings could not find in their online store: bathing suits and bikinis, handbags, shoes and accessories. And I can tell you the shoes, at least for me, son one last time. For the bikinis there is still time hahaha.

You can find much more information about them both in the online store and on your blog.


¡Nos vemos en el próximo post!

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StyleWe offers consumers the chance to shop fashionable clothing designs made by independent fashion designers and small boutiques in one convenient online store. StyleWe offers every category of women’s apparel that you would expect from a large online store, including dresses, tops, outerwear, skirts, pants, jumpsuits, and swimwear. They also have a handbag section. However, there are no accesso ...

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