Girls would take 100 shots and a very few shots will make it to posting. In general, only one will make it to posting. That is us, girls. When I take my #OOTD shots randomly using my smartphone, my husband can take up countless shots before I get contented with the pictures. I have learned my angles especially when posing in camera but sometimes, if it is a random shot using my smartphone, my best angles arent convincing enough. But looking good is not just about your appearance because I believe that if you have a beautiful mind and heart, the beauty radiates from within and that where the confidence comes from. Agree? Whatever size you are, small or big, its how you wear that self-confidence. I am moved by ROSEGALbecause as they celebrate their 5th anniversary, they give us customers a chance to share our story to inspire girls everywhere. And theres nothing better than receiving shopping points and a chance to win $50 by sharing your story. Agree?

I already join with #iamwhoiam and shared my story. For every sharing of your story, you should upload a photo also. For every successful and approved posting, it will get you to earn 100 points ($2) and you can post as many as you want. Sounds exciting, yes? Whats not to like if you will earn an EXTRA $50 cash coupon? Click here #iamwhoiam


1.) Earn 100 Points each time. (50 Points = $1)

2.) Awesome Show members will earn an EXTRA $50 Cash Coupon within one week after the event.

3.) Coupon valid for one month, you can check the points or coupons in your account.

4.) Rosegal remains the right of the final explanation. If you have any issues, please contact our support center.

When posting your photo, make sure it will not exceed 5MB to avoid repeating and trying. For every successful posting of your story, this pop-up box will confirm that 100 points were added to your account. It is that easy, girls! Then, invite your friends to like your photos. The more likes you gathered, the more chances of winning the $50 cash coupon. I cant wait for my shared story to get approved and see how many of my friends will like it. If they will not hit the "like", I will un-friend them. Oh, just kidding!

I totally noticed that the inspired videos are of the plus size influencers. I enjoyed watching all the videos. I find it very inspiring and theyre all beautiful. Salute to Rosegal for this amazing promotion of #iamwhoiam. Its really true that anyone can be sexy and anyone can wear what he or she wants. Fashion is not limited to the skinny body, always remember that. I remember my friend that I got to know 8 years ago. She is nice and very kind. She always treats me to dinner and spa before. For other peoples eyes, and me, she is beautiful. But I think she didnt know that or better say; she doesnt believe that every time a compliment has been expressed towards her. She is a plus size and she never realized that sometimes I envy her voluptuous body especially in the chest department. Haha! I always asked her to give me some of it, which we always end up laughing. She has a beautiful heart and thats why I have mentioned above that its the beauty of the heart that radiates from within. I can say that Ive helped her in terms of gaining her self-confidence and I am proud of that. Care to share your story? We are all eyes and ears for it.

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