Hello all! I havent been here for a while, the reason: I have been traveling and also have been very busy with few projects that I cant wait to tell you about.

I went to Hawaii with my hubby and we had a great time together. Our last destination was Lanai but we slept one night in Maui and had half day to explore it. We spend the whole morning in Lahaina, the first capital of the Kingdom of Hawaii (1820 - 1845) and the second spot more visited in Maui.

Here some pictures...

6:00 am in the morning, we had a terrible jet lag, so we went to explore the island.

How cute are these kiddies clothes?

From shops, art galleries to restaurants, Lahaina is also full of history and interesting places to visit.

While I am traveling, I always choose to wear confortable clothes over anything else.

I am wearing:

Jacket: Legit

Dress: Woolworths

Sneakers: New Balance bought at Superbalist

Bag: Guess

Shades: Forever 21

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