Hi everyone! Today we begin the week with this lookbook IKKS, full of good ideas and proposals for this spring and summer. We see natural fabrics, neutral colors, comfortable clothing, feminine, elegant, with the character of the brand. Who know me, know that is totally my style ... Hope you like and that inspire you.
Hoy también os quiero mostrar un pequeño recopilatorio del lookbook infantil. Como curiosidad, os contaré que en 1987, nacen 4 letras, con la voluntad de Gérard Legoff de inventar un estilo junior coordinado, con una fuerte personalidad, y asequible, y de este modo desmarcarse del mundo de la ropa infantil existente, más bien "básico" y muy "niñas buenas". IKKS JUNIOR ha reivindicado un sportswear coordinado, inspirado en la moda femenina y masculina, y es el primero en vestir de negro sus colecciones infantiles.
Today I want to show a small compilation of child lookbook. As a curiosity, I will tell you that in 1987, born 4 letters, with Gérard Legoff will invent a coordinated junior style, with a strong personality, and affordable, and thus distance themselves from the world of existing children"s clothing, rather "basic "very" good girls". JUNIOR IKKS has claimed responsibility for a coordinated sportswear inspired by the female and male fashion, and is the first black dress their children"s collections.
Y por último, no nos podíamos olvidar de los chicos. Un estilo clásico, elegante pero a la última. Nos lo muestra, Vicent Pérez ¿qué os parece?
And finally, we can not forget the men. A classic style, elegant but at the last. Shows us, Vicent Pérez what do you think?
?Podéis seguir viendo las prendas y la colección completa AQUÍ
You can still see the clothes and the entire collection HERE