gelish starter kit

Gelish Starter Kit

Gelish  Gel Nail Polish Kit is one of the best inventions ever as it offers the best and shiny nail polish without chipping and peeling for a couple of weeks.  Most of these Gel polish stays around two weeks, and also the nail looks shiny even after a week and it looks like you just applied the polish. The Gelish kit includes all the required tools and material for a quick and efficient in-home service.

The gel polish protects your nails and prevents them from braking by making them stronger. The best advantage of Gelish nail polish kit is that it cures the polish instantly using LED Light, it takes just 30 seconds to cure each layer per hand with LED light and around two minutes with UV light. So you can easily get back to your chores without worrying about peeling off your nail polish.

All reviews Here : Gelish Nails Kit Reviews

Now, with this Gelish Kit Amazon, you can have a salon manicure experience. You avoid several visits to the salon every month; also, visiting a salon often can be very expensive and time-consuming as well. That is why the Gelish made this invention and created this super useful nail polish kit that can help you get in-home manicure services and it helps the individuals who want to start their in-home manicure services. The Gelish starter kit is available on Amazon at a very affordable price. The brand Gelish has a wide range of selection of nail polish colors to select from.

The Package Contains:

One 4fl oz Gelish Polish Remover

One 4fl oz Gel Polish Cleaner

15ml Foundation Gel Base

15ml Top-it-off Gel Sealer

15ml pH Bond prep

15ml Nourishing Cuticle oil
The base gel makes the strong bond between the gel and the nail plate without harming the nail plate. The soak-off gel cures in five seconds under LED 18G light, it takes ten seconds under the LED light, and one minute in UV light. Soak-off and top-it-off seals the nail polish and offers a shiny finish that will not peel, chip or become dull for several days. The remover removes the polish neatly and the pH bond dehydrates the nail before applying the nail polish, and Nourishing cuticle oil will rehydrate the moisture back into the nail and the surrounding skin.  The Nourishing oil is a combination of Kukui Nut Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Vitamin E, and Sesame. It is a flexible product that can be used in different services to refurbish essential oil.

Gelish nail polish is easy-to-apply; you just need to follow these simple steps. Before applying the nail polish, file and trim your nails to the desired shape and length.  Use cuticle pusher or an orange stick to push the cuticles. Use the block buffer to buff the surface. Use nail cleanser by Gelish to clean the nails and use alcohol wipes or lint-free wipes to remove the leftover polish from the surrounding skin. USE pH bond to dehydrate the nails before polish, and after polish use nourishing cuticle oil to rehydrate the nails.

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