La camisa es un clon de una que sacó zara hace alguna que otra temporada, y de la que me enamoré perdidamente, pero por cuestiones de presupuesto no pude tenerla. Me hizo muchísima ilusión verla en Tidebuy! ¿Qué os parece?
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Autumn has finally come here in my hometown. The rain and the cold struck me this weekend. I was looking forward to wear my new items from Tidebuy. I was expecting a low/medium quality due to the low cost, but the quality is awesome, I"m beyond words. The shirt is a clon of one from Zara, so it had to be mine! What do you think?
Shirt: Tidebuy
Necklace: Tidebuy
Bracelet: Tidebuy
Bag: Tidebuy
Pants: Stradivarius (old)
Shoes: Primark
""I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me""
Photography by: VilladaArt