La combiné con chaqueta y vaqueros.
Hello! I wanted to show you my new shirt. Last year I saw one in Zara but I didn’t bought it. I have been thinking about it since then but I didn’t find anything similar. However, the other day I went to H&M and I saw it. Here I am mixing it with a cardigan and a pair of jeans.
Los pantalones y el foulard son de Zara, camisa y collar de H&M, botines de Pura López, chaqueta de Stradivarius y abrigo de Mango.
Ya va faltando menos para las Navidades, qué ganas tengo! y sobre todo de ver a mi familia y amigos que hace mucho que no les veo. ¿Habéis empezado con las compras navideñas? Yo todavía ni he pensado en los regalitos…
Jeans and scarf: Zara
Shirt and necklace: H&M
Boots: Pura López
Cardigan: Stradivarius
Coat: Mango
Christmas Time is coming. I’m wishing for it!! I want to see my family and friends. Have you started to buy the presents for Christmas? I haven’t think about it yet…
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