Being woman is a privilege, but being able to create life and become a mom is by far one of the most beautiful pleasures!
This week I turned 25 weeks (6 Months) pregnant and I did a shoot for the maternity fashion label Lonzi and Bean. A lovely local brand, founded by two talented South Africans entrepreneurs: Ilona Wyle (Lonzi) and Claire Badenhorst (Bean).
Ilona and Claire couldnt find flattering and confortable stuff when they were pregnant so they created this brand that fits all shapes and sizes. Their brand makes women feel confortable and beautiful during and after pregnancy.
Here are some pics of backstage.
We shot the first pictures at the studio with photographer Chanelle Jvr.
Then we moved to Le Chattelat, a stunning venue in the middle of Sandhurst.
I am feeling exhausted, time for a break hahaha :)
My baby daughter can say that she did her first photoshoot when she was still inside of mommies tummy.
What I love about this brand is that it doesnt look like boring maternity wear. Their designs and patterns are modern and fun.
From left to right. Chapelle (Photographer), I, Claire (Bean), Nikki and Ilona (Lonzi)
Such a lovely experience working with these ladies. Cant wait for the final pictures of the catalogue that I will post then :)
In the mean time, get to know more about this label visiting their website:
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