Being grateful is something that I try to practice on a daily basis. I feel grateful for so many things, but mostly for the wonderful people I have met in this country, and for the solid friendships I have built over the years.

Very recently, I had to say bye to two of those wonderful souls, that I met here, as they moved to the US. I wanted to say, “Thanks for the friendship”, and give them something really nice.

So, I went to the Netflorist website having in mind to send them a bouquet of flowers, with a lovely note, but to my surprise, I found that Netflorist has so many gift ideas.

From flowers, plants, home, clothing, food and drink, to jewelry options. They have everything you need for every single occasion such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, baby births, engagements, graduations, even apology or just like in my case, that I wanted to send something nice to say “Thanks!”

After clicking on all their links my mind was just blown away, with all the things I could send them. So, flowers wasnt the plan anymore. I decided to send them something that they could take with them, and that would have more meaning to them. So, this is what I chose:

The good thing is that I could personalize it with our initials to make it even more special.

Netflorist has over 12,000 gifts, 20% of these choices can be personalized which adds a unique, and special touch. In the early 2000s, NetFlorist was receiving an average of 72 orders per day. Today, they receive more, or less 2,000 orders daily! Because of the big demand, they have a dedicated night team that will make sure that the Prezzies, will be ready to go out first thing in the morning.

So the nice thing about the present that I bought for my friends is, that it was delivered to their home so they werent expecting it, and it was a really nice surprise for them.

I love scrolling through the Netflorist website as it gives me so many gifts ideas, that I will send to my friends for future occasions. These are some of my favorites:

I am even now choosing the present that my husband will receive for Father´s Day, as I am always late!
Congrats Netflorist on your 20 year anniversary! And for reminding us with your #20daysofnice campaign, that being nice, and kind to other people is what makes the world a better place to live.

Fuente: este post proviene de A Girl in Africa, donde puedes consultar el contenido original.
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