Para esta colección capsula compuesta por dos modelos Donatella ha utilizado el mismo estampado que esta presente en toda la colección Versus para este otoño, estarán disponibles al precio de 105?.
El acabado del estampado es un barroco muy colorista y las características grecas de la casa de la medusa, el sello Versace es mas que notable, la marca de Superga estara ubicada en su lugar habitual y el talón esta reservado para el logo de Versace.
When we have not even nearly enjoy the summer, fall-winter season begins to emerge in some shops and especially in online shops, surely many of you will become aware of this collaboration for this fall, it is the union of two important brands in Italy, Donatella Versace with her Versus lines its allies with the brand and model Surperga 2750 Cotu Classic one of the sneaker most well known inside and outside Italy.
This capsule collection consists of two models, Donatella has used the same pattern that is present throughout the Versus collection for this autumn, will be available at the price of 105 ?.
The finished print is a very colorful baroque features and the friezes and of the house of Medusa, the Versace label is more than remarkable, label brand Superga will be located in its usual place and the heel is reserved for the Versace logo.
A Vosotros os gusta esta colaboración? sois tan arriesgado a la hora de llevar zapatillas?
What do you think about this collaboration? Ara you are so risky when wear sneakers?Muchas gracias por pasar y comentar
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