Johannesburg has a wonderful winter. Apart for being a season which is very sunny, some days (not all of them) you can wear clothes that you would normally only wear in Spring or Autumn.

Today I am wearing a 3/4 sleeve dress, a warm scarf, leggings and heels. It is 12:00 pm and it is 22 degrees as you read this. 22 degrees in Winter!!!

Some people may blame it on global warming, but winter in this country has always been lovely for the last 11 years that I have been living here.

But wait, not everything is that perfect, during the afternoon the weather changes a lot and becomes really cold, so this is the time to wear more layers or a jacket and transform your look.

In the meantime, I am at the park, enjoying of this warm and sunny day...

I am wearing:

Dress: Mr. Price

Scarf: The Hub

Leggings: Woolworths

Heels: H&M

Shades: Zara

Pictures: Thato Ramotseahoa from Our Creative Will

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