The Bush is also one of my favourite places to scape and relax my mind. Last time I visited Kruger was in 2008 when we came with our family from Spain.

This time, we traveled with friends and our kids which made this trip even more special.

Our friend Paloma, invited us to spend few days with her family at Mjejane Game Reserve, located in the south of Kruger Park. There isnt need to caption these pictures, the images say it all.

These pictures were taken with my phone (Iphone 7 Plus).

I have better pictures that I took with my profesional camera that I will

share in another post.

While doing safari, wear the colors of the african bush. I am wearing this top from Miladys perfect for this occasion.

Definitely Kruger is Kruger and nothing cant beat its landscapes and sunsets.

I am wearing:

Top: Miladys South Africa

Shorts: Woolworts

Sneakers: New Balances

Shades: Rayban

Hat: Panama Hat bought in a local market

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