Hi guys!!! Normally, Sunday is usually hack around and do nothing, lying on the couch at home. But you know what? That I have the batteries recharged after the weekend and what better to teach an sport outfit of KYODAN CLOTHING that you will love to those who are fitness enthusiasts !!
Hoy os traigo un outfit diferente a lo que estoy acostumbrada a enseñaros, pero para los que aún no lo sabéis, me he aficionado al fitness. No sólo porque esté ahora de moda, no por la operación bikini, sino por lo bien que te deja el cuerpo, por fuera y por dentro, además despeja tu mente!
Para el look de hoy, llevo un top deportivo naranja con tres tiras en la espalda y unas mallas largas negras con un detalle de transparencia en las pantorrillas.
Espero que os guste el look deportivo de hoy!! Sed siempre felices y nos vemos en el próximo post!
Today I bring a different outfit to what Im used to teach, but for those who do not know, I have fond fitness. Not only because it is now fashionable, not the bikini operation, but by how well it leaves your body, outside and inside, also clears your mind!
Look for today, I have an orange sports top with three strips on the back and black tights with a detail of transparency in the calves.
I hope you like the sporty look of today !! Always be happy and see you in the next post!