I leave you a selection of clothes that are a must right now. Take advantage of sales and get it at good price.
El mono se ha convertido en una prenda imprescindible esta temporada. Hazte con uno en versión día para ir a trabajar. Este es de Zara y está a un precio de tan sólo 20 euros.
The jumpsuit turns in a basic clothe this season. You can buy this one for working. This, by Zara and is priced at just 20 euros.
El pantalón tobillero, es trendy total. Alargará tu estatura ópticamente. Este de Asos cuesta 25.71 euros.
The cropped pants, is totally trendy. It will extend your height optically. This, by Asos costs 25.71 euros.
Y como no, uno de los accesorios que han causado furor: el bolso mochila. Este que imita a Chanel, es de Zara y cuesta 29.99 euros.
And of course, one of the accessories that have caused anger: the backpack bag. This imitates Chanel, by Zara, 29.99 euros.
Si todavía no tienes tu capa o poncho, ya estás tardando en comprarte una. Zara 39.99 euros.
If you do not have your coat or poncho, you"re taking in a whole. Zara 39.99 euros.
Botines con hebillas doradas de Fashion Pills, 35 euros.
Booties with gold buckles Fashion Pills, 35 euros.