I"m wearing: Sandals/Sandalias - Tino Gonzalez?(Old), Belt/Cinturón - Zara(Old), Bag/Bolso - Primark(SS14), Hat/Sombrero - Beach(Old), Watch/reloj - Oasap(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Dress/Vestido - Choies(FW13-14)HERE/AQUI.
I"ve been watching a while roman sandals in stores and can not be happier that again because I love this trend. The sandals that I show in today"s post would I bought 3-4 years? I do not even remember. What I like about this type of sandals is that they are high (above the ankle) and specifically mine I love the fringe and what about you? :)
I love that you write me on Instagram (I know you liked these sandals when I taught them), thank you very much for being so nice to me ;) 
Tomorrow I will publish a special post of the day I attended the open day of Deichmann. Do not miss their shoes proposal for this fall-winter.
A big kiss and HAPPY TUESDAY?._______________

Hace un tiempo que llevo viendo sandalias romanas en las tiendas y no puedo estar más contenta de que vuelva esta tendencia porque me encanta. Las sandalias que os enseño en el post de hoy las compré hace ¿3- 4 años? Ya ni me acuerdo. Lo que más me gusta de este tipo de sandalias es que sean altas (por encima del tobillo) y concretamente de las mías me encantan los flecos :) ¿Y a vosotras?
Me encanta que me escribáis en Instagram (sé que os gustaron mucho estas sandalias cuando os las enseñé), muchas gracias por ser tan simpáticas conmigo ;)
Mañana publicaré un post especial del día que asistí al open day de Deichmann. No os perdáis su propuesta de calzado para este otoño-invierno.
Un besazo enorme y FELIZ MARTES?.

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I"m wearing: Blazer - Chicwish(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Slipons - Bershka(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Pants/Pantalones - Bershka(Old), Shirt/Camisa - Zara(Old), Bag/Bolso - Zara(FW14-15). Tuesday. I miss the s ...

I"m wearing: Boyfriend jeans - Front row shop(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Deichmann(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Heels/Tacones - Deichmann(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Sweater - Oasap(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Hat/Sombrero ...

I"m wearing: Slippers - Deichmann(FW14-15), Jeans - Zara(Old), Hat/Sombrero - H&M(FW14-15), Bag/Bolso - Stradivarius(FW14-15), Shirt/Camisa - Oasap(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI. Good morning girls, Th ...

I"m wearing: Skirt/Falda - Bershka(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Sweater/Suéter - Zara(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Suite Blanco(Old), Booties/Botines - Marypaz(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Coat/Abrigo - Chicwish(F ...


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moda blazer deichmann ...

I"m wearing: Bag/Bolso - Primark(SS14), Shorts - Choies(FW13-14), Shirt/Camisa - Pull&Bear(FW13-14), Blazer - Lovely whole sale(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Sandals/Sandalias - Stradivarius(Old), Watch/Reloj - Oasap(SS14)HERE/AQUI. Hi girls! I"m still getting used to my new schedule and I could not take photos this week. I hope that when my boyfriend return from his trip can return to normal and we ...

moda black blazer ...

I"m wearing: Skirt/Falda - Oasap(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Shirt/Camisa - Pull&Bear(FW13-14), Sandals/Sandalias - Primark(SS14), Bag/Bolso - Primark(FW13-14), Blazer - Zara(Old), Sunnies/Gafas de sol - NYS Collection(Old). Very good morning to all! How was your weekend? Mine has been quiet. Saturday was the birthday of a friend and went to dinner at Madrid. I had prepared an outfit with long pink ski ...

moda bershka navy blue ...

I"m wearing: T-shirt/Camiseta - Primark(SS14), Pants/Pantalones - Bershka(Old), Bag/Bolso - Primark(FW13-14), Sandals/Sandalias - Primark(SS14), Belt/Cinturón - Primark(SS14). A few years ago I could not have imagined that sandals like that I wear today would become trend. I remember this type of footwear in the pool of my house, we had more than a couple. When I was little I put them because ...

moda black formal ...

I"m wearing: Shirt/Camisa - Blackfive(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Skirt/Falda - Choies(FW13-14)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Suite blanco(Old), Heels/Tacones - Deichmann(SS14), Bracelet/Pulsera - Blackfive(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Watch/Reloj - Oasap(SS14)HERE/AQUI. Good morning girls, while you are reading this I will be from ten in the morning at my new job. Yes, you read that right. Last week I was offered a job off ...

moda chic dress ...

I"m wearing: Dress-Top/Vestido-Top - Front row shop(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Sandals/Sandalias - Primark(SS14), Clutch - Lovely whole sale(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Blazer - Lovely whole sale(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Sunnies/Gafas de sol - NYS Collection. Buenos días bellas, hoy quiero enseñaros un look para ocasiones especiales como una comunión, una cena o comida importante... En la página web de Front row shop (es la ...

moda black crop ...

I"m wearing: Vest/Chaleco - Lovely whole sale(SS14), Skirt/Falda - Bershka(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Primark(SS14), Shoes/Cangrejeras - Primark(SS14), Crop top - Front row shop(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Watch/Reloj - Oasap(SS14)HERE/AQUI. Today I"m a vest with a totally different style than I showed here and here, did you remember? I"m getting the taste of this jackets, I was so very not pu ...

moda deichmann denim ...

I"m wearing: T-shirt/Camiseta - Pimkie(Old), Shorts - Lovely whole sale(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Oasap(FW13-14)HERE/AQUI, Hat/Sombrero - Primark(SS14), Sneakers/Zapatillas - Deichmann(Old). Good morning girls, today is Monday again and I already take two hours in the office. I have passed the first week, but with much sleep hehehe. I"ve been very bad rise early and go to bed early. I ...

moda hat mini ...

I"m wearing: Shirt/Camisa - Blackfive(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Bracelet/Pulsera - Blackfive(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Watch/Reloj - Oasap(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Sandals/Sandalias - Marypaz(Old), Skirt/Falda - Stradivarius(Old), Bolso/Bag - Primark(SS14). Yesterday I found wandering the sale in Primark this hat, only two remained. You like? I"m a little overwhelmed because next week my boyfriend was going away ...

moda looks

Simplicity of COS" items is what I like more of this brand. Simplicity and other details which always make clothes to be special. La simplicidad de las prendas de COS es lo que más me gusta de esa marca. Simplicidad más algún detalle que siempre hace la prenda especial. Camisa/Shirt: COS (old); Jeans: Mango (SS14); Sandalias/Sandals: Best Mountain; Bolso/Bag: Carla Ferreri

moda black casual ...

I"m wearing: Sandals/Sandalias - Stradivarius(Old), Jeans - Zara(Old), Bag/Bolso - Primark(FW13-14), Hat/Sombrero - Zara(FW13-14), Necklace/Collar - Primark(SS14), Sweater - Oasap(SS14)HERE/AQUI. Spring is the best season for fashion. Create outfits in spring is much more fun, the weather(some more warm days and cold others) allows us to combine sandals or wellies sweaters with mini dresses ...