Hello all!

Winter is coming to an end and although sometimes I like this time of the year, other times I really want Summer to come soon!

Winter in Johannesburg is the driest season of the year. The lack of rain gives nature a yellow look, makes our eyes feel very itchy and our throats feel very dry. We need more intake of water and we need extra moisturize, otherwise our skin looks dry and cracked like a snakes skin.

I will never forget my first Winter in Johannesburg where I could feel the skin over my whole body itching, because of the dryness, and then I learned that I needed to apply stronger products to avoid it.

During Winter this year, I lived a terrible nightmare with my daughters skin, and I was so sad seeing her beautiful face full of redness and eczema due the dryness of the weather. Even worse, the day of her Christening was becoming closer, and I didnt want her face to look like that during such an important day. Also, I was sad that my family would meet her for first time with this eczema on her little face and it didnt look good at all.

This is how the eczema started


After using a few products that always worked on my sons skin, but were not working on my daughters skin, I started using La Roche – Posay Lipikar Baume. After giving her a shower, I noticed that her skin was beginning to show improvement at times, but then the eczema came back again leaving me hopeless.

(Sorry for the quality of the following pictures. Taking pictures of my daughter is very difficult because she moves a lot and never stop)

This is how her face was looking

As it was the first time I experienced something like this with my baby girl, I was very scared of applying any kind of soap, face wash or anything that I thought would make her skin worse. Well, we as mom sometimes we dont have experience with some situations like this one, and we learn as we go. So I was washing her face only with water and the rest of her skin with La Roche – Posay Lipikar Syndet AP +.

One day during her shower, I read this on the bottle: “ Helps reduce severe dryness starting in the shower” and I thought “What about if I pour some of this cream wash on her face? This cant get any worse!”, so I applied La Roche – Posay Lipikar Cream Wash on her face and I saw how the miracle of healing began to show on her face.

From the first day I saw immediate results, and learned that some face wash can worsen skin conditions, but some others actually help to heal.


This product is an Anti – Irritation and Anti – Scratching cream wash. Its a white gel which foams ups easily. It has a very subtle scent that for me smells quite like a dermatological product, but I really like it because it helps to heal. It comes with a pump that makes it easier to use with small children as I normally support my daughter with one hand in the bath, so she doesnt slip, and with the other hand I am pumping the soap on my hand so I can apply it on her.

Now when my daughters face has completely healed from the eczema, I will keep this product as gold for when signs of eczema show up on her face again, or when my son has dry or reddish skin.

I also use it when she has nappy rash as this helps immediately to soothe and heal. This product is great for this as well !!!


This is a thick balm that soothes and breaks the vicious cycle of itching and irritation. This product is Paraben – Fee and Fragrance Free, however it has a scent that I didnt like a whole lot, it is subtle but at the same time a bit strong for my taste. This is the only criticism I would give to this product, to change the scent or make it very similar to the Cream Wash. In the end, the scent shouldnt be important if the purpose is to take care and soothe the skin ;).

I must add that I applied this product on my sons skin during this season and he never suffered of eczema.


Definitely La Roche – Posay Lipikar AP + and Baume AP + are great products to prevent, treat and heal skin conditions such as extreme dryness or eczema. To achieve better results, these 2 products must be used at the same time as a duo, because they complement each other, and only using one of them wont give the best results. I always thought that La Roche – Posay was a brand of products for adults, but I love the fact that it is so good for kids, and this is probably the perception that many adults and many of my friends have. I would suggest to launch a range for kids with the similar look of the Anthelios range.

As parents we like to buy products for kids that have a look and design for kids. Also kids want their products specially in the shower that look kid friendly with little characters so this might be something that La Roche – Posay should look at.

To finalize, I want to say thanks to La Roche – Posay for healing my daughters eczema, she got much better and was looking so lovely at her Christening!

(Her some one pic of that day)

You can buy La Roche - Posay at Dischem stores countrywide, and

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