Founded in the 50s on the French Riviera, Façonnable pays homage to its roots this spring summer with a capsule collection inspired by the drawings of the poet, writer, illustrator and filmmaker Jean Cocteau, whose name is identified with the Costa Azul, plays a major role in the collection. His drawings bearing the authentic Mediterranean spirit has inspired the elegant pieces in the collection.
La colección cuenta con prendas tanto para hombre y mujer, la música y las estrellas son una parte esencial de la firma de Cocteau, que quedan plasmadas en toda la colección como la estrella de ocho puntas que brilla en los detalles de camisas, zapatos y complementos como son los gemelos. El sol del verano está presente en un foulard, las caras gemelas en una túnica, famoso dibujo del perfil que tiene una clave de sol por ojo está en una chaqueta, suéteres y camisas.
The collection includes apparel for both men and women, music and stars are an essential part of the signature of Cocteau, which are embodied in the entire collection as eight-pointed star that shines in the details of shirts, shoes and accessories such as cufflinks. The summer sun is present in a scarf, the twin faces of a tunic, famous drawing of the profile that has a treble clef for an eye is in a jacket, sweaters and shirts.
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