¡Hello pretties!

How are you? How do you carry this new normal? I still do not believe that we are in the middle of a pandemic and we have to adapt to another life.

Well, we are already entering the fall season, I love this season.

And from the hand of Lover Beauty website, I bring you some ideas that you will surely like a lot for this new season and the one to come.

On this page you can find all kinds of articles of clothing and at a very good price. For example, they have very cheap sweaters and cardigans. I think they are essential for now and it dress very well.





Besides, a session that caught my attention was that they have garments with a very creative and striking print. Of course it is at a great price too. If you want to take a look, I leave the link so that you can access it directly. -> wholesale african clothing

Womens sweater dress, dresses are one of my favorite clothes, and especially if they are furry for this cold season. With stockings and boots you will look perfect to go out on the street.

What is your favorite autumn garment?

¡¡Nos vemos en el próximo post!!

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¡Hola bonitas! Ayer comenzó la primavera, y se agradece ya un poquito de calor, después de tanto frío! Hoy os enseño un outfit para salir por la noche, ya sea de fiesta o para dar una vuelta. Tenía e ...

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