I"m wearing: Heels/Tacones - Marypaz(FW13-14), Bag/Bolso - Suite Blanco(Old), Belt/Cinturón - Zara(Old), Dress/Vestido - Chicwish(SS14)HERE/AQUI.

<<< ANTERIOR  sencillo. Me he sumado a la tendencia hombros fuera y he escogido este precioso vestido para hacerlo. Lo combiné con mis zapatos con leopard print de Marypaz. ¿Qué os parece?

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I"m wearing: Blazer - Chicwish(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Slipons - Bershka(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Pants/Pantalones - Bershka(Old), Shirt/Camisa - Zara(Old), Bag/Bolso - Zara(FW14-15). Tuesday. I miss the s ...

I"m wearing: Boyfriend jeans - Front row shop(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Deichmann(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Heels/Tacones - Deichmann(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Sweater - Oasap(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Hat/Sombrero ...

I"m wearing: Slippers - Deichmann(FW14-15), Jeans - Zara(Old), Hat/Sombrero - H&M(FW14-15), Bag/Bolso - Stradivarius(FW14-15), Shirt/Camisa - Oasap(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI. Good morning girls, Th ...

I"m wearing: Skirt/Falda - Bershka(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Sweater/Suéter - Zara(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Suite Blanco(Old), Booties/Botines - Marypaz(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Coat/Abrigo - Chicwish(F ...


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moda trendy heels ...

¡Hello my girls! Hoy os traigo doble ración de posts. Hace poco nos invitaron a conocer la Flagship Store de Marypaz. Para las que no sabéis lo que es una Flagship Store (tienda insignia) es la tienda más importante de una marca y se sitúa normalmente en el centro de la ciudad. En la flagship store presentan las nuevas colecciones y se organizan eventos. En el post de hoy quiero enseñaros algunos ...

moda black blazer ...

I"m wearing: Pants/Pantalones - Zara(SALES14), Blazer - Zara(Old), Bag/Bolso - Oasap(FW13-14), Belt/Cinturón - Primark(SS14), Blouse/Blusa - Choies(FW13-14)HERE/AQUI, Heels/Tacones - Deichmann(SS14). Hello girls! Today I show you a formal look to go to work. I bought these pants in Zara sales and are already sold out on the web :( I am delighted with my Deichmann heels. I love them. I love ...

moda trendy deichmann ...

I"m wearing: Sneakers - Deichmann(Old), Skirt/Falda - Choies(FW13-14)HERE/AQUI, Shirt/Camisa - Oasap(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Pull and bear(SALES14). Good morning to all, Monday again :( how about your weekend? us on Saturday we visited the Marypaz flagship store. I"ll tell you all the details this week. I recently got this shirt with red stripes, after considering several possibili ...

moda basic black ...

I"m wearing: Sandals/Sandalias - Tino Gonzalez?(Old), Belt/Cinturón - Zara(Old), Bag/Bolso - Primark(SS14), Hat/Sombrero - Beach(Old), Watch/reloj - Oasap(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Dress/Vestido - Choies(FW13-14)HERE/AQUI. I"ve been watching a while roman sandals in stores and can not be happier that again because I love this trend. The sandals that I show in today"s post would I bought 3-4 ...

moda birthday black ...

I"m wearing: Vest/Chaleco - Lefties(SS14), Skirt/Falda - Pull&Bear(Old), Heels/Tacones - Zara(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Crop top - Front row shop(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Primark(FW13-14), Bracelet/Pulsera - Persunmall(SS14)HERE/AQUI. This June I have some birthdays, including my guy, so today I want to show you a look to these informal celebrations. At first I combined the crop top with black skir ...

moda black boho ...

I"m wearing: Heels/Tacones - Shana(Old), Bag/Bolso - Primark(FW13-14), Shirt/Camisa - Pull&Bear(SALES13-14), Hat/Sombrero - Beach(Old), Shorts - Pimkie(Old), Vest/Chaleco - Lefties(SS14). Very good morning to all! A few years ago I had obsession with vests. Whenever I could added a vest to look until I stopped wearing them. Now it has become my love for this piece and soon you will see more ...

moda black blazer ...

I"m wearing: Skirt/Falda - Oasap(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Shirt/Camisa - Pull&Bear(FW13-14), Sandals/Sandalias - Primark(SS14), Bag/Bolso - Primark(FW13-14), Blazer - Zara(Old), Sunnies/Gafas de sol - NYS Collection(Old). Very good morning to all! How was your weekend? Mine has been quiet. Saturday was the birthday of a friend and went to dinner at Madrid. I had prepared an outfit with long pink ski ...

moda blazer deichmann ...

I"m wearing: Bag/Bolso - Primark(SS14), Shorts - Choies(FW13-14), Shirt/Camisa - Pull&Bear(FW13-14), Blazer - Lovely whole sale(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Sandals/Sandalias - Stradivarius(Old), Watch/Reloj - Oasap(SS14)HERE/AQUI. Hi girls! I"m still getting used to my new schedule and I could not take photos this week. I hope that when my boyfriend return from his trip can return to normal and we ...

moda black crop ...

I"m wearing: Crop top - Front row shop(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Shirt/Camisa - Pull&Bear(Old), Shorts - Lovely whole sale(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Blanco(FW13-14), Sandals/Sandalias - Primark(SS14). Today I show you a pretty basic outfit. I have already said that I like to give several applications to crop tops. Overlay this pledge on others is a very good option to create different looks. Before l ...

moda stradivarius boots over knee ...

I"m wearing: Skirt/Falda - Stradivarius(FW14-14)HERE/AQUI, Boots over knee/Botas caña alta - Marypaz(Old), Shirt/Camisa - Chicwish(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Zara(Old), Jacket/Chaqueta - Bershka(Old). Good morning! Surely many of you have a high boots in your closet , and how is that not having them if last year were up in the soup? I did not stop to get these Marypaz, plus I was lucky t ...