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Today I wanted to post something related with fashion kids since me and my Bunny spent the afternoon with some friends. One of them is the dad of this handsome boy whose name is Héctor. He is such a sweet and playful boy full of energy and I like playing and chit chating with him. After having lunch he wanted to go to the park so I thought it would be nice to take some pics of him since he was wearing a very cute outfit that immediately call my attention.

So I you have kids and if you are looking for some outfit ideas here is my recommendation. It is a nice garment for visiting the family or for attending a formal event. Below I will mention all the items in case you are interested. Thanks so much for stopping by! Let me know if you liked this post. Love, Candy.

Hoy quise hacer un post un poquito diferente ya que mi Conejito y yo pasamos la tarde del sábado en casa de unos amigos. Comimos carne asada y todo estuvo delicioso. Uno de nuestros amigos tiene un pequeño de 5 años que se llama Héctor y desde que lo vi llegar me llamó mucho la atención su atuendo. Se veía súper lindo con sus zapatitos formales, su chamarrita y su pantalón.

Si tienes peques igual este post te puede servir de inspiración para vestirlos si tienes un evento formal o para ir de visita con los abuelos o los tíos. Cuéntame si te gustó este giro al blog y si te gustaría ver más outfits de niños. Besos, Candy.

Cardigan: DKNY
Pantalones / Pants: Tommy Hilfiger
Zapatos / Shoes: Zilery’s Italia

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