Free Shipping & 12/12 Sales Promotion From DressLily

DressLily is a global fashion online shopping site, selling Fashion Dresses, Home Decoration and Accessories. Recently, DressLily reached me via email, stated that they are offering an up to 90% off discount and free shipping for any price range instead of Free shipping above $39. It is right at the moment, I was frustrated because I want special Christmas decoration from others, and I assume that people may wonder hows the quality when are theyre relatively cheap, then I decided to give it a shot. The shipping is mailed quickly, which is faster than similar kinds of sites. The moment I got my package, I realized I have to share my experiences with everyone.

DressLily not only provided a 25% off coupon and apply free shipping to World Wide. But also a celebrated activity for 12/12, two purchase for $19.99 by any of the following products. These promotions are only available between 12th -17th Dec. Personally, I do not usually online shopping from an email advertisement, whereas DressLily gave me a great experience of online shopping at a reasonable price!

Coupon: 12DL12

Here is what I purchased from and cant wait to try them because they are so cute! I am going to stop writing here because I really need to outline how to decorate my house with the Christmas items I got from them.

Overall Rating




Cold Shoulder Crisscross Tunic Sweater Knotted Cut Out Sweater

$17.8 $15.3 $14.05 $11.55

Recommend Rating Recommend Rating

Sleeveless Tartan Skater Dress Vintage Printed Flare Dress

$14.05 $11.55 $21.36 $16.36

Recommend Rating Recommend Rating

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