I"m wearing: Shirt/Camisa - Pull&Bear(SALES13-14), Bag/Bolso - Primark(SS14), Shorts - Choies(FW13-14), Necklace/Collar - Oasap(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Sandals/Sandalias - Primark(SS14).

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Today I update very soon because I"m going to spend the day away from home and return later.
Look today: ethnic Shorts and white basic shirt. With the shirt I"m not entirely happy, I love the way but much wrinkled. Just sit in the car or being in a certain position very ugly wrinkles are marked and I really do not like going with wrinkled clothes, I think the clothes without ironing or no ironing seems to gives pretty bad image.
I have a favor to ask all who read my blog. Marie Claire is looking for an it girl and would love you to help me win. If you really liked my black and white look you can vote for me here. Thank you in advance;)
I hope you have a super weekend and see you on Monday with new outfit;)



Hoy actualizo muy pronto porque voy a pasar el día fuera de casa y volveré tarde.
Look de hoy: Shorts étnicos y camisa básica blanca. Con la camisa no estoy del todo contenta, me encanta su forma pero se arruga muchísimo. Sólo de sentarme en el coche o de estar en una postura determinada se marcan unas arrugas muy feas y la verdad no me gusta nada ir con ropa arrugada, la ropa sin planchar o que parece que está sin planchar(como en mi caso) da bastante mala imagen.
Os tengo que pedir un favor a todas las que leéis mi blog. Marie Claire está buscando una it girl y me encantaría que me ayudáseis a ganar. Si realmente os gustó el look blanco y negro podéis votarme aquí. Muchísimas gracias por adelantado ;)
Espero que paséis un super finde y nos vemos el Lunes con nuevo outfit ;) ¡MUUUAK!

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Y estas son sus últimas ideas publicadas:

I"m wearing: Blazer - Chicwish(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Slipons - Bershka(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Pants/Pantalones - Bershka(Old), Shirt/Camisa - Zara(Old), Bag/Bolso - Zara(FW14-15). Tuesday. I miss the s ...

I"m wearing: Boyfriend jeans - Front row shop(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Deichmann(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Heels/Tacones - Deichmann(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Sweater - Oasap(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Hat/Sombrero ...

I"m wearing: Slippers - Deichmann(FW14-15), Jeans - Zara(Old), Hat/Sombrero - H&M(FW14-15), Bag/Bolso - Stradivarius(FW14-15), Shirt/Camisa - Oasap(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI. Good morning girls, Th ...

I"m wearing: Skirt/Falda - Bershka(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Sweater/Suéter - Zara(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Suite Blanco(Old), Booties/Botines - Marypaz(FW14-15)HERE/AQUI, Coat/Abrigo - Chicwish(F ...



moda anillo ciclÓn outlet charol ...

Buenos días! Hoy os traigo un look todoterreno, de esos que te sirven para andar comodamente de allá para acá durante todo el día, exactamente fue del domingo pasado, que durante la mañana tuve que trabajar, y por la tarde decidimos ir al cine, a ver "Ocho apellidos vascos" que por cierto, os recomiendo si no la habéis visto, rato de risa asegurado. Muchas gracias por todas las visitas ...

street style pull and bear bershka ...

¡Buenas noches amores! Como bien sabéis y os comente en el post de inspiración del domingo, los monos son una de las tendencias de la temporada. Cuando vi este mono de estampado étnico y la espalda descubierta, me encantó y cuando me lo probé y vi lo bien que quedaba, no dudé en hacerme con él. Para darle un toque boho al look, añadí mi collar de cadenitas, un cinturón marrón, un bolso de mano neg ...

moda deichmann denim ...

I"m wearing: T-shirt/Camiseta - Pimkie(Old), Shorts - Lovely whole sale(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Oasap(FW13-14)HERE/AQUI, Hat/Sombrero - Primark(SS14), Sneakers/Zapatillas - Deichmann(Old). Good morning girls, today is Monday again and I already take two hours in the office. I have passed the first week, but with much sleep hehehe. I"ve been very bad rise early and go to bed early. I ...

moda blazer deichmann ...

I"m wearing: Bag/Bolso - Primark(SS14), Shorts - Choies(FW13-14), Shirt/Camisa - Pull&Bear(FW13-14), Blazer - Lovely whole sale(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Sandals/Sandalias - Stradivarius(Old), Watch/Reloj - Oasap(SS14)HERE/AQUI. Hi girls! I"m still getting used to my new schedule and I could not take photos this week. I hope that when my boyfriend return from his trip can return to normal and we ...

moda purchases gap ...

Spring and fall are my favorites, and fashion-wise what they are all about is purchasing core items, for the season. Leave winter and summer, for those not so essential garments that you can get on sale, and focus to start with the basics. One of my dream things for spring (and fall) has always been khakis as are chinos for summer. Now Gap has always been known to make the best khakis around, for ...

moda casual crop ...

I"m wearing: Sandals/Sandalias - Primark(SS14), Shorts - Lovely whole sale(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Shirt/Camisa - Primark(FW13-14), Bag/Bolso - Primark(FW13-14). I love denim shorts. When the warm weather arrives it is what I most often use for its versatility, the combinations are endless. It is also very comfortable, especially these high-waisted. Do you like? For me it is a must garment. I" ...

moda mister spex persunmall ...

I"m wearing: Heels/Tacones - Marypaz(Old), Shirt/Camisa - Front row shop(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Shorts - Persunmall(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Clutch - ELLE magazine(August14), Sunnies/Gafas de sol - Mister Spex(SS14 Raiban meteor)HERE/AQUI. Hello my girls, As I find it hard to get up early again! is what I hate most in the world. I always say I"m a "night" person because I love working at nigh ...

looks sesiones verano ...

Digan lo que digan las tendencias, el pantone, o quien sea el blanco y el negro siempre será la opción ganadora, da igual que sea para una ceremonia, para una reunión, para vestir de forma casual o simplemente para ir a trabajar. No falla, por ejemplo uno de mis looks estrellas es unos pitillos negros, camiseta negra con eslogan y las converse. Recurro mucho a estos colores, sobre todo también en ...

moda dress raiban ...

I"m wearing: Dress/Vestido - Chicwish(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Flats shoes/Cangrejeras - Primark(SS14), Hat/Sombrero - Primark(SS14), Bag/Bolso - Primark(SS14). Good morning my girls :) to go say goodbye to the heat we decided to take these photos in the field. Do you like the dress? seems to me a real cutie. I picked along with red already you saw in the post about my visit to the flagship store Ma ...

moda casual kaki ...

I"m wearing: Pants/Pantalones - Persunmall(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Shirt/Camisa - Blackfive(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Bag/Bolso - Primark(SS14), Wedges/Cuñas - Stradivarius(Old), Bracelet/Pulsera - Persunmall(SS14)HERE/AQUI, Watch/Reloj - Oasap(SS14)HERE/AQUI. It"s Wednesday, we"re in the middle of the week and we"m looking forward to the weekend to return my guy and can catch up with our photos ...