Hello! Its been a lovely beginning of the year, I am so excited about 2020 which seems to be a very interesting year. Here I am at Cape of Good Hope, the most south - western point of the African continent. This is also were the Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean meet. I remember learning about this place when I studied Global Geography at the school but I never thought that one day I will come here to visit.

If you are in Cape Town for holidays and you want to go to the Cape, I suggest you to stop on your way to the Cape, at Boulders Beach to see the penguins, yes, the penguins! You think that penguins are something that you only could see at the Pole but no, there are penguins close to Cape Town and in the beach!

From here, we drove more or less 50 min to arrive to the entrance of Table Mountain National Park where the Cape is. Once inside, we drove for another 20 min within the park to get to the reception and restaurants. I must say that this drive has the most interesting views.

Once at the parking, we decided to go to the Two Oceans Restaurant to have lunch and get energy to walk to the top of the mountain where you can see everything.

The food and the views were just wonderful, all of this with a glass of good wine made the perfect pairing :)

Here half way to the top of the mountain, as you can see, the views are breathtaking.

People always say that the weather of the Cape is unpredictable, the two times I have been here it has been cloudy and strange, which I like because it makes this place and the pictures very dramatic.

This was actually my second time here. 6 years ago, I came for the first time with my brother and early this year, I came back with my friends from the university.

This is for me one of those places that always would like to go back. Definitely a "Must See Place" if you visit Cape Town. Watch this space, my next post will be about the wine route and two wine farms that we visited ;)

I am wearing:

Dress: Miladys -South Africa
Sneakers: New Balance bought at Superbalist
Shades: Rayban bought at Edgars

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