Blue as the sea and sky

Hello bloggers! It"s Friday: D
For a few days I will continue showing you pictures of my vacation. For these we chose this beautiful place surrounded with engraved padlocks and overlooking the beautiful beach ... for me it was a treat to watch from the top and see how they gathered the water with blue sky.
Moreover, the outfit was based on basic white shirt with black shorts with palm print. What do you think?
I hope you like it.A huge kiss, 


¡Buenos días bloggers! Ya es viernes :D 

Durante unos días seguiré mostrándoos fotos de mis vacaciones. Para éstas elegimos este precioso lugar rodeado con candados grabados y con vistas a esta preciosa playa...para mí fue todo un lujo poder observarla desde lo alto y ver cómo se juntaba el color azul del agua con el cielo. 

Por otra parte, el outfit se basó en camisa básica blanca con shorts negros con estampado de palmeras. ¿Qué os parece? 

Espero que os guste. 

Un beso enorme, 


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¡Hola bloggers! Ya sé que llevo algún tiempo sin publicar en el blog pero lo cierto es que la universidad me está quitando todas las horas del día. Hoy os enseño este look que fotografiamos hace varia ...

¡Hola bloggers! El otro día recibí un paquete con ropa de la web Desires. El primer look que decidí fotografiar ha sido éste, con pantalón y camiseta deportiva a juego. No son los looks que suelo util ...

Hello bloggers! I continue to share photos of our trip to Córdoba with you. As you can see in this post there are two different locations, one is a famous street known as "Calleja de las flores&q ...

¡Hola bloggers! Hoy os comparto las últimas fotos de nuestro viaje y viéndolas ya me entran ganas de volver de nuevo porque realmente Córdoba me robó el corazón. El último día visitamos la Mezquita y ...


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Looks Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! As you can see I have completely changed the design of the blog since I was a little tired earlier. This time I opted for a more minimalist design in which white abounds. Do you likeit? Today I show photos of my vacation with great sadness because now Im back home and already I miss the beach. Turning to look, I decided on some kind mom fit shorts in white with top in the same shad ...

general looks

Hello bloggers! How about your weekend? Mine was great, I want more days like this ...yesterday was beautiful with an amazing sun of those you brings a smile no more. These photos did yesterday and I have to say that for now are my favorites. Hope you enjoy the pictures.A huge kiss, Lydia. Hola bloggers! ¿Qué tal vuestro fin de semana? El mío fue genial, quiero más así...el día de ayer fue preci ...

zblog Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! I had not updated the blog with photos of myself for a long time but I was totally focused on the university and the exams so I didnt have time to post photos here. Now that I am free with all the approved exams, I leave you some photos of a few weeks ago that I did on my last break. We were in Huelva and we were traveling through different parts of Andalucía so I have many more ph ...

Looks zblog

Hello bloggers! Today I show the photos that at least seem to me the most beautiful of my vacation. You know I love the sea and this day went to a beautiful cove with crystal clear water. The truth is that getting there was quite complicated but seeing these views can say it was worth it and quite. As we made photos, where I have been bathing suit that I love Zara, I threw myself into the water an ...

zblog Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! I continue to share photos of our trip to Córdoba with you. As you can see in this post there are two different locations, one is a famous street known as "Calleja de las flores" (you can imagine by the name how it is) and was full of people taking pictures so it took us a lot to get a good photo there. The other place is a viewpoint located in the area of the Mosque. The ...

Looks slider zblog

Hello bloggers! How are you? I super happy because Im on vacation ... finally! Today I share with you some photos last Saturday at the Fair of Fashion and Beauty Badajoz. I had the pleasure of going as one of the bloggers invited to the event and the truth it is that it was pretty good and I liked the organization. Also present it was Pelayo (I died to see how handsome;)) and gave a Masterclass. I ...

moda me outfits

Muy buenos días!!! Como se nota ya el calorcito y apetecen prendas más de verano, muchos pensaréis que estoy muy blanca para llevar shorts pero como no suelo coger mucho más color para que me voy a cortar jejeje. He combinado los shorts de rayas azules y amarillas con top en azul del mismo tono y cuñas nude-rositas. Por lo demás, pocos complementos, así las prendas lucen mejor. Espero que os guste ...

general looks

Hello bloggers! How about Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? How Santa Claus behaved with you? I hope very well because you deserve it. I for Christmas Eve chose this look for dinner, you know that I love the color black so I chose these high-waisted shorts with this blouse and black heels. For accessories I only chose this silver bracelet, I did not recharge the look. What do you think? Hope you li ...

Projects slider zblog

Hello bloggers! Every day is more and warmer so I today I bring you a post on the web SheInside. Then I leave a list with the coolest clothes to spend these hot days. The best of all? Use the following codes to get an incredible discount in this collection: Take 40% OFF Over US $ 55 Code: RE40 / Take 45% Off Over US $ 105 CODE: RE45 I hope you like it. A huge kiss, Lydia. ¡Hola bloggers! Cada d ...

zblog Projects slider ...

Hello bloggers! I show you some photos of the last days of our vacation. We visited a new place, called Tossa del Mar, which we had not seen before and suddenly came up with this idea. The truth is that we had a great time and I loved the views so I still think that things that are not planned are the best, do not you think? I opted for a simple look with shorts type mom and this cute top of strap ...