Atelier Versace Fall 2014

Con influencias de los años 50 y muchas asimetrías se presenta la colección Atelier Versace para el próximo otoño. Los grandes protagonistas de esta línea de Alta Costura son vestidos de noche con aires de lujo y que vestirán a muchas de las artistas más cotizadas en las alfombras rojas. Una de las divas que ha lucido esta firma es Jennifer López, que estaba en el front row y que llevaba un vestido/mono que le quedaba como un guante. Y es que para lucir estos vestidos hay que estar en forma, ya que aunque sean de otoño vienen algo destapados. ¿Qué te parecen?


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Y estas son sus últimas ideas publicadas:

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moda fall outfits ...

The first days of fall are never really cold, so the weather has been perfect to wear absolutely anything. I love this type of weather because it allows all the combinations possible: sandals with trench, sneakers with mini skirts, sleeveless shirt with boots, anything you want will look good. I love all those crazy garment combinations that make no sense, it bores me to death wearing always the s ...

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Early fall is usually mild, so before jumping to sweaters I will start with my sweatshirt wishlist. I am a huge sweatshirt addict since I was a in school. I would always try to add something personal to my uniform and very frequently I went with sweatshirts, sadly it was not allowed so they made me take it off. Now that was a long time ago, and sweatshirts are still one of my favorite garments, I ...

general desfiles paris

Son muchas las veces que hemos hablado de Elie Saab y sus vestidos de alta costura, y es que no se pueden hacer vestidos más increíbles. El modisto libanés sigue fiel a su filosofía de crear por y para la mujer, en esta ocasión elige colores como el azul, el beige, rosa, blanco y negro, sorprendiéndonos con degradados y con estampados florales. Sus vestidos de pedrería son unos de los favoritos de ...

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Today I am wearing a classic fall outfit with all its iconic elements. First the Fair Isle sweater screams late fall, early winter, duffle coat as well, and of course the socks-ankle boots combination. I am so fond of this latter one. As you can see I am still doing bare legs, that is so typical me it comes from when I was a kid, most of my classmates went to school with tights and some few did so ...

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moda fall outfits ...

You can see by the leaves in the floor it’s an average fall day, and as I’ve stated so many times before one of the reasons love fall so much is it allows us to play so much with garments, proportions, textures, you mix all together and nothing is ever odd. I am wearing a socks-brogues combination, that to me screams fall. Since I paired it with a midi skirt you can see very little por ...

moda fall outfits ...

This is actually the second time I post an outfit with this overalls. I wore them last spring (you can see previous outfit HERE) for a day with similar temperatures and I was so comfortable. This is one of those special garments I have that can’t be worn THAT often because it is a very “memorable” garment so it works better in small dosis. The good part? Well I bet some of you wo ...

moda fall outfits ...

I’ve been wanting “bad” weather since forever, it kind of reminds me of what my sister living in Souther California always says…I need some rain! Well I kind of need it too and so far besides last week we’ve been having awesome weather. I went out last night with a skirt and no tights, and even though I love it I crave some rain. Last week when we had rain the tempera ...

moda fall outfits ...

For today my outfit is really in between seasons since the sun came out and temperature was really good. I mentioned before another way to transition nicely into fall is the boots/mini-skirt (or dress in this case) combo. Again i’m wearing my leather jacket, as I said before it is my go-to outerwear for this weather and of course subtly accessorized with my leather bracelet. Now this dress ( ...

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