Are you team pajama or looking good at home even during lockdown? I belong to the second team. Being in pajama all day doesnt work for me and doesnt let to put my mind in the right direction to be productive and feeling good during the day. Even when I had my newborns at home, right after coming from the hospital, I couldnt be with a gown and looking messy all day during that period.

During lockdown I tried to have the same routines as before. So I wake up early, I have a shower, I put some blush and lip gloss, wake up my kids and I get them ready for the day.

Having an early shower makes me start the day with the right mindset and also help me to set a sample to my kids.

I cant expect from them to have discipline or get ready early for the home schooling activities if they see me wearing pajamas. I am not saying that I dress up but I like to wear the cloths that I like and make me feel confortable. I like to look after myself and look pretty even if I am at home.

If you feel lately down or with low self steam, wear those cloths that you really love for example your favorite top or jacket, style your hair and put that makeup that makes you look great, even if you are at home and no none will see you, do it for yourself :)

I will share soon some tips that what have worked for me and my family during these quarantine.

I am wearing:

Top: H&M

Pants: Cotton On

Sneaker: Adidas

Watch: Fit Bit

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