Siempre me ha gustado llevar el pelo largo, así que me parece una idea genial, sobre todo para gente que tiene poquito pelo, que no es capaz de hacerse recogidos o que simplemente quiere cambiar de look en un momento concreto.
En mi caso, tengo extensiones de quita y pon y, aunque ahora no las uso, es cierto que te cambian el peinado.
Ahora mismo, tienen unos descuentos fabulosos para Halloween de hasta el 90%. Aquí en España no se celebra demasiado, pero en Estados Unidos y otros países es una de los eventos mas importantes del año. A mí, sinceramente una de las cosas que me parecen más importantes de cualquier disfraz es el pelo; es el accesorio mas importante y, al fin y al cabo, es lo que
marcará la diferencia junto con el maquillaje.
A continuación, os dejo mi selección de pelucas favoritas:
A few days ago, WIGSBUY contacted me to let me know about this website and its great variety in wigs and extensions, both synthetic and natural hair 100% for men and women. Certainly I encourage you to take a look and worth. It is very interesting, divide the page in cut styles, famous, extensions ... and are very successful, you"ll see.
I"ve always liked having long hair, so I think it´s a great idea, especially for people who have little hair, which is not able to be picked up or just want to change their look in a particular time.
In my case, I have removable extensions, although now I do not use, it is true that it change your hairstyle.
Right now, they have a fabulous Halloween discounts up to 90%. Here in Spain not too celebrated, but in the United States and other countries is one of the most important events of the year. To me, honestly one of the things I find most important in any costume is the hair; is the most important accessory and, after all, is what
It will make a difference with the makeup.
Then I leave my favorite selection of wigs:
Fuente: este post proviene de Crazy Heels, donde puedes consultar el contenido original.
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