Últimamente no tengo mucho tiempo para ir de compras, así que cada vez uso más este tipo de webs y, por ahora, no tengo queja.
Como siempre, tenéis el banner que os enlazará con Oasap en la parte inferior del blog.
A continuación, os dejo con mi wishlist de esta temporada, si picháis en cada foto os llevará directamente a la página de información de cada prenda.
Espero que os guste.
Most of you already know Oasap, a website that sells clothes and accessories and collaborates with bloggers to let us know your clothes ... but may not know that have a section called Free and Trial in which each week offer some items at zero cost. Sounds like a great idea that most of stores doesn´t have, so do not fail to register.
Lately I do not have much time for shopping, so every time i use more this kind of websites and, for now, I have no complaint.
As always, you have the banner that will link to Oasap in the bottom of the blog.
Then I leave you with my wishlist of this season. If you link on each pic, it will directly take you to the garment page.
I hope you like it.
Fuente: este post proviene de Crazy Heels, donde puedes consultar el contenido original.
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