My country boasts an incredibly biodiversity. I couldn´t keep these pictures just for me from our latest trip to Colombia, where we visited the countryside and we enjoyed the exotic and exuberant nature.

During our stay in Santa Fe de Antioquia, we visit Occidente Bridge which was built in 1895. They took around 8 years to build this bridge, which in the 19th century played a very important role in the development of Antioquia, as it became the connection from the region to the sea.

The views over the Cauca River are just breathtaking

We stayed in a beautiful and colonial hotel called Santa Fe Colonial where we had a vey relaxing time. My kids loved running around, playing in the pool and interacting with nature.

This was a very special holiday for all of us. My son keeps asking when we will go back to Santa Fe de Antioquia. I wish I can visit Colombia soon to see my family and friends and also to take my kids to this beautiful colonial town.

See the video of our trip here:

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