The blunt cut: 12 models rocking this easy chic haircut

1. Jane Birkin

¿Harta de bangs, pixies, bobs, mechas californianas y beach wave hair? Yo también El blunt cut es la solución.

Según Joey Silvestera, el hombre que se esconde tras el cuidado y el aspecto de la melena de Alexander Wang, el blunt cut es el no-corte, el anti-hairstyle, en resumen, la vuelta a la normalidad del corte casi recto, muy poco desfilado y con capas larguísimas o incluso, sin ellas.

Algo similar a una dieta detox de tanto corte de pelo novedoso y que ya lucen (o han lucido) muchísimas modelos, ¡Incluso las míticas Jane Birkin y Françoise Hardy!

Are you tired of bangs, pixies, bobs, Californian highlight and beach wave hair? So do I The blunt cut is the solution.

As Joey Silvestera, the man who is hidden behind the cares and appearance of the Alexander Wang hair, says, the blunt cut is the no-cut, the anti-hairstyle, to sum up, it is the back to normality, to an almost straight cut and with really long layers.

It is something similar to a detox diet of all those new hairstyles, and that many models currently wear it, even the iconic models Jane Birkin and Françoise Hardy!

2. Suvi Koponen (ph by Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott for Vogue Paris March 2013 issue)

3. Soo Joo Park, the Korean model who doesn"t want to be the typical Asian model

4. Abbey Lee Kershaw

5. Caroline Brasch Nielsen

6. Christy Turlington

7. Caroline de Maigret (and how she caught my eye)

8. Ruby Aldridge

9. Liu Wen

10. Monika (Jac) Jagaciak

11. Aymeline Valade

12. Françoise Hardy

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