The more I get to know the Basque Country, the more I love it. I have been traveling to this part of Spain for the last 11 years. The reason is that my husband is from here (Bermeo) thats why this is my 3th home.

Every Summer, we come to visit the family and share quality time with our friends.

Through many years exploring this area, I must say that Mundaka is one of my favorite towns and I love to come here almost everyday. I just need to take the train from Bermeo and it is only 5 min trip!

The beach is huge and beautiful, I love walking in the town to appreciate its medieval architecture, eat pintxos (local snacks), drink beer and interact with the locals.

Mundaka is located in the northern of Spain and it is very well known for its internacional surfing scene. There is a legend that attributes the name of Mundaka to the latin name "munda aqua" which means "Clear Water".This town boast to be the best lefthand barrel in Europe and possibly the best river mouth in the world.

The port is the central part of Mundaka, which is also a fishermen village. At the restaurants you can eat fresh sea food that was the catch of the day.

In the afternoons, people get together at this part of town to have some drinks and see the sunset.

Next time you travel to Spain,include Basque Country in your bucket list, but specially Mundaka! You wont be disappointed.

I am wearing:

Top: Cotton On
Pants: Local Market in Thailand
Flip Flops: Cotton On
Shades: Lundun South Africa

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