My baby girl arrived 2 months ago and I am so melted. Being mom for second time is so much fun and I am enjoying every second of it. Having my daughter is giving me the opportunity of living motherhood again in a more natural way and also feeling another type of connection.
My friend Jaime took these pictures when Maité was 6 weeks old.
This is our first photoshoot together of mom and daughter :)
Maité in my husband´s language (Basque) means love or loved. I like names with a powerful meaning. In the past, people were naming their children with the mission they wanted to have in the earth. Maité certainly is already giving as so much love and we are in so much in love with her.
We took these pictures before we shaved her hair for first time.
Thanks little Maité for being in our lives, you came and our family feel so complete. I am the proudest and happiest mom having you and your brother Luka in my tribe.
Thanks for reading and being in this journey with me.
Pictures by Jaime Suarez at
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