Knowing OkDress

Hello girls!! El otro día me contactaron de la página web de OkDress. Esta página se centra en vestidos de boda, de fiesta, joyas, y demás accesorios. Al mi parecer, son de buena calidad, y tienen buenos precios, incluso ahora hay grandes ofertas!!

Hello girls!! The other day I was contacted by the OkDress website. This page focuses on wedding dresses, party dresses, jewelry, and other accessories. In my opinion, they are of good quality, and have good prices, even now there are great offers!!

He hecho una selección de los vestidos que mas me han gustado, y la verdad que son todos preciosos, pero mi miedo, siempre ha sido el cuidado que le daremos al vestido, porque de que caiga una mancha, puede que se nos estropee.

I have made a selection of the dresses that I have liked, and the truth that they are all precious, but my fear, it has always been the care that we will give to the dress, because that a stain falls, we may be spoiled.

Ahora que viene un época de San Valentín, o para ir eligiendo vestidos para comuniones, bautizos, orlas, bodas... que se acercan, nos viene genial, un poco de inspiración y ayuda!

Now that comes a time of Valentine, or to go choosing clothes for communions, baptisms, borders, weddings ... that come, come great, a little inspiration and help!

Os dejo los links de las páginas y espero que os guste.
I leave you the links of the pages and I hope you like it.

Long bridesmaid dress

I love the selection of dresses I have chosen, apart from these colors there are more sizes and colors, where they can choose the one that you like the most.
They are very long, and fantastic, they have an incredible quality, and the cuts of the dress seem precious to me.

Bridesmaid dress 2017

The long sequined gilded dress looks spectacular! It makes us queens and princesses, I like a lot to go out at night and shine.

Chiffon bridesmaid dress uk

The long sequined gilded dress looks spectacular! It makes us queens and princesses, I like a lot to go out at night and shine.

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¡Hola bonitas! ¿Cómo están? Aqui en Canarias ya hace calor!! Así que os voy a enseñar un outfit super veraniego. Sigue en tendencia la falda vaquera de botones, que la tengo desde hace 1 año y este a ...

¡Hola bonitas! Ayer comenzó la primavera, y se agradece ya un poquito de calor, después de tanto frío! Hoy os enseño un outfit para salir por la noche, ya sea de fiesta o para dar una vuelta. Tenía e ...

¡Hola bonitas! El otro día me pedí un mini foto estudio portable que me llamó mucho la atención para hacer las fotos con fondo blanco y que queden mucho más bonitas. Este en concreto es de la página Z ...

Etiquetas: okdress



ideas de looks

Hello girls!! Today I come to tell you about Beautiful women dresses. Some time ago I made a wishlist, but in this case I come with two outfits that I created with clothes from this web. T-shirt Pants Boots Clutch Top Legging Boots Bag In addition to these two outfits, I have loved two dresses from this white maxi dress of the web. Dress 1 Dress 2 ...

zblog Projects slider

Hello bloggers! Now that summer comes I really like to wear dresses for your comfort and the ones I use most are navy lace dresses. I find it very nice to go out at night to have something with friends and give it a very special touch with the lace. They are perfect for use with both high heels and high heeled sandals or even low heels. Today specifically I am going to show you several dresses of ...

moda editorial fashion ...

A few weeks ago, one of my friends was asking me about a website were she could find a beautiful dress for her and for her daughter because they are attending a wedding on November. I struggled a bit trying to find the perfect online store for her because the ones I know didn’t have that much of a variety of models nor didn’t have dresses for girls. That’s when I came across Gard ...

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Hello bloggers! Happy start of the week! The look that I show you today is almost unprecedented, since I posted a picture on my Instagram (lydiacorzo) but just my new dress and sunglasses from TwinkleDeals wasnt seen totally. My closet is filling up tops and dresses like this, leaving the air shoulders and that is a trend that I love and I can not resist it. The photos are beautiful and believe is ...

I have already told you many times that my favorite garment are dresses and today I want to show you two new trends: button up dress and dress with slit. You can find the dresses that I show you in the following pictures in the store Zaful Ya os he comentado en varias ocasiones que mi prenda favorita son los vestidos y hoy quiero enseñaros dos nuevas tendencias, los vestidos con botones hasta arr ...


Hoy voy a hablaros de Weddingshe, una tienda online especializada en trajes de fiesta y que nos ofrece un amplio surtido de prendas y complementos de última tendencia para ocasiones especiales. Con una buena relación calidad-precio, tienen vestidos de novia, damas de honor y para el baile de promoción que es el tema del que os voy a hablar en el post de hoy. Los bailes de promoción pueden celebr ...

Hello girls!! Esta semana estoy on fire con el blog! Hoy os traigo una wishlist para Navidad de la página web StyleWe. Hello girls!! This week Im on fire with the blog! Today I bring you a Christmas wishlist from the StyleWe website. Tiene prendas y accesorios para mujeres, muy chulas, desde bajo precio a alto precio, y por la calidad que se le ven creo que están muy bien. He hecho una selecc ...


Hace dos días publiqué las fotos de la gala de los Goya y ahora quería hacer lo mismo con los Oscar. Como en anteriores galas mucho vestido largo, transparencias, encajes, brillos… pudimos ver un poco de todo. Two days ago I published the Goya Awards and now I want to do the same with the Oscars. Like in many other events of this kind, there were a lot of long dresses, some with transparenci ...

zblog Projects slider

Hello bloggers! As we are in mid-April and soon comes the month of May and with him communions, baptisms and many weddings today I bring you a recommendation to a new website. This web is called Dresses of girl and in her you can find dresses for special occasions like communions, if you are invited of a wedding or it is your graduation in the institute or university. You have very varied styles f ...

boho prom fashion ...

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