There aren´t words to describe how happy were my days in Southbroom, a coastal village located 143 kms south west of Durban. South Africa is a beautiful country and every destination surprises me in a positive way. From discovering new beaches, to spend quality time as a family, these holidays will be forever in my heart.

This was the first time that our daughter Maité saw the sea. It was an unforgettable moment.

Love when I see these 2 together. Can you spot that they are wearing the same clothes? I gave them these outfits as Christmas present.

Wild sea and beaches made where our everyday landscape.

Maite had a blast being dirty and playing with the sand.

Granny´s pool, one of my favorite places in Southbroom. I could spend hours inside this pool.

There isn´t any other happier place for me than being in the beach.

Messy hair dont care and means fun;)

My little angel behaved amazingly in this trip. It was so easy to go everywhere with her.

Luka also had a great time. We love seeing him getting dirty and interacting with nature. What better experience can we give to our kids?

Barefoot and swimwear: His everyday outfit.

Amazing landscapes and sunsets

For me, one of most important important things in life are creating experiences with the people I love. I always remember with a smile the holidays that I spent with my family when I was little, I have such special memories of all of them.

I really wish this for my kids.

Thanks South Africa for being such a special part in our current life, this adventure here as family, so far, has been wonderful.

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